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Backend for processing the nightly data dump and pushing it to the frontend

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UCC Organism Backend


Backend for the UCC-organism


The server is run with coffee configfile.json, where configfile.json contains the actual configuration of the server. Depending on the configuration, this runs as:

  • production data preparation server(windows), which is responsible for getting the data from ucc/webuntis/calendar/..., anonymising them, and sending them onwards to the api server
  • production api server(debian on macmini), which gets the anonymised data from the data preparation server, makes them available via an api, and emits events using the Bayeux protocol
  • development server for backend, which uses real data dumps instead of talking with external services
  • automated test, which runs automatically using travis, uses sample data dumps, and mocks the time to run very fast.
  • development server for frontend, - which runs of sample data dump and mocks the time, - to be able to get events without having to wait for real-world activities


All configuration options are listed in config.json.sample. Also see test.json for an actual configuration, the content of this configuration wille also be a good choice for a frontend development server, - just remove "outfile", and reduce the time speed factor "xTime" - which tells how much faster the mocked clock should run.

Client config pushed on deman to the Odroids / Screens is in client-config/default.js


The api delivers JSON objects, and is available through http, with JSONP and CORS enabled. The endpoints are:

  • /(agent|location|event)/$ID returns info about the particular entity
  • /now/(agent|location)/$ID returns an object with status for the moment, NOTICE: this varies over time
  • /current-state returns active agents+activities
  • /client-config returns client config

Old api:

  • /(agents|locations|events) returns list of ids. NOTICE: This is meant for development/exploration, and not expected to be used in production, as some events/agents will be created on the fly and may not be in the list yet
  • /(teacher|group|activity)/$ID returns info about the particular entity
  • /(teachers|groups|activities) returns list of ids

Events are pushed on /events as they happens through faye (, ie. (new Faye.Client('http://localhost:8080/')).subscribe('/events', function(msg) { ... })

uniform agent scheduling notes

Data schema:

  • agents: (teachers, or students member of groups)
    • id
    • kind: teacher | student | researcher | janitor | bus | train | ...
    • ?gender: 0/1 (for teacher/student)
    • ?groups of ids (for students)
    • ?programme:
    • ?age (for student)
    • ?end (for student)
    • ?name (for train/bus)
    • ?origin (for train/bus)
  • events - from activities, train arrivals, etc.
    • time
    • TODO kind: activity-start, activity-end, bus-arrival, train-arrival,
    • agents
    • ?description: activity-subject, etc.
    • ?location
    • TODO ?activity - link to ucc-activity for debugging
  • locations
    • id
    • name
    • ?capacity

Production server setup

For the production system we choose to use a virtual linux server on the existing mac.

Requirements for the server for the api-server:

  • boots automatically on power failure etc.
  • runs linux (other operating systems should also work, but I will not give any support on it)
  • when running a http service on port 8080, it will be available as on the internal network
  • some way of rebooting it, and accessing it, remotely

The immediate options are either

  • to set up a dedicated server on the UCC network
  • run a virtual server on the mac that will drive one of displays

As there already is a virtual server configured on the mac, and under assumption that it is being kept running in production, we choose the latter.

Server setup on linux, as user uccorganism with home /home/uccorganism. Assumes git/nc is installed via package manager, and node/npm/coffee is installed in /usr/local/bin. Installation of the server is done with:

git clone
cd uccorg-backend
npm install
(crontab -l; echo @reboot /home/uccorganism/uccorg-backend/ | sort | uniq | crontab -

Then the api-server should then run after a reboot

Assumptions about external data sources

Data sources

  • webuntis access via an API-key
    • /api/[locations|subjects|lessons|groups|teachers|departments] returns json array of ids
    • /api/locations/$ID returns json object with: untis_id, capacity, longname
    • /api/subjects/$ID returns json object with: untis_id, name, longname, alias
    • /api/lessons/$ID returns json object with: untis_id, start, end, subjects, teachers, groups, locations, course
    • /api/groups/$ID returns json object with: untis_id, name, alias, schoolyear, longname, department
      • The alias must match the "Holdnavn" in the mssql database
    • /api/teachers/$ID returns json object with: untis_id, name, forename, longname, departments
      • The name must match "Initialer" in the mssql-database
    • /api/departments/$ID returns json object with: untis_id, name, longname
  • ucc mssql database - accessible via stored procedures on the server:
    • GetStuderendeHoldCampusNord: Holdnavn (=groups.alias), Studienummer
    • GetAnsatteHoldCampusNord: Holdnavn, Initialer
    • GetAnsatteCampusNord: Initialer, Afdeling, Køn
      • There must be an entry for each teacher from webuntis, with Initialer the same as
    • GetStuderendeCampusNord: Studienummer, Afdeling, Køn(0/1 -> agent.gender), Fødselsdag(DDMMYY -> agent.gender)
    • GetHoldCampusNord: Afdeling, Holdnavn, Beskrivelse, StartDato, SlutDato
      • There should be a hold for each Holdnavn for ansatte/studerende, and also one matching the every groups.alias from webuntis
  • google-calendar returns ical data parseable by rrule, with SUMMARY as the title of the event
  • rejseplanen-api returns schedule with arrivals in the form <Arrival name="..." type="..." date="..." origin="...">.


Release Log

January-April 2015

  • Overordnet

    • √homogen repræsentation af alle agent-typer, så eksempelvis forskere, undervisere, pedeller, køkkenersonale etc. repæsenteres på samme måde som studerende: tilknyttes grupper, bevæger sig mellem lokaler etc.
    • √tilfældig opførsel af agenter, såsom pauser mellem undervisning, toiletbesøg, frokost etc.
    • √globale tilstande såsom: dagscyklus, udbetaling af su og lignende
    • √mulighed for at konfigurere tilfældig opførsel og events
    • √løbende tilpasninger af backend efter ønsker fra A&K og frontendudviklingen frem til idiftsættelsen
    • √håndtering af at systemet kører videre, selv hvis de eksterne datakilder fejler
    • √afklaring af driftskonfiguration, - skal vi sætte en separat linux-server op, eller køre det parallelt på mac'en der også driver skærmen
    • √not-needed (eventult konfiguration og opsætning af linux-server)
    • √proaktiv løbende kommunikation med frontendudviklingen, for at sikre at backend matcher ønsker og forventninger i forhold til frontend
    • √dokumentation af forventninger og krav til de eksterne datakilder
  • week 16

    • intensity level 0-1+random for globale events
    • forskudt tid (håndterer skævt ur på mac)
  • week 15

    • case insensitive+trim calendar events
    • documentation of used data sources in README
    • to tilfældige farver fra colorrange+fagretning per agent.
  • week 14

    • bugfix: neverending roaming
    • decide-on/document production setup
    • configurable shortening of classes to create breaks
    • configurable configuration+calendar + static data for repeatable unit test, when system configuration changes
    • configure events for administrators, janitors, kitchenstaff, and cafe/canteen
    • fix pseudorandom - bug due to imul
    • (frontend running on linux)
  • week 13

    • random behaviour
      • only random events on agents present
      • random event emission - background and restore other events
      • generate random events
      • configurable random behaviour - lunch, toilet-break, illness-leave, pauser mellem undervisning etc.
      • random-hash-evenly-distributed
      • sample random configuration passed into the system
      • prefix for events from schedule + isScheduled
      • refactor next to be a function
    • more url-friendly event-ids (with "_" instead of " ")
    • event-id in /now
    • have events also bring along a likely end time
    • implement /next api endpoint
  • week 12

    • add random roaming/away state for agents - needed for random events for agents at campus not doing anything in particular
      • configurable in data/general-settings.json
    • server fejlbesked hvis fejl i json
  • week 10

    • global state - day cycle etc. via agent - ie. /agent/time-of-day day cycle - grants, su, etc. configurable
    • apiserver-script in version control
    • support for stopping/rebooting the API-server remotely
    • calendar data retrieval in API-server
    • internal: preserve order of event-ids using hash function, to avoid test error due to changing order of events at same time.
  • week 9

    • change structure of configuration files in data/ to make them easier to edit: data/behavior.js split up into locations.json, agents.json, calendar.js, og behaviour.js
    • begun moving calendar-retrieval from data-processing to API-server
  • week 8

    • repeat with old data, if we haven't gotten any updates from the data server recently
  • week 7

    • handle several locations, by distributing agents into locations
    • creation of events and agents from calendar
    • configuration of calendar behaviour in data/behaviour.js
  • week 6

    • include warnings in status, and propagate warnings from windows server to api-server
    • bus/train events as uniform events instead of separate arrivals
    • contact UCC about SSMLDATA-server is down
    • some refactoring / dead code elimination
  • week 5

    • webservice to get current state of agents and locations, replaces old /now/
    • events emitted are from the new uniform api
    • new test data (but rest-test disabled)
  • week 4

    • draft new api: /events, /agents, /locations
    • agent+event uniform static data
    • temporary proxy for frontend development

In between development 2014

  • dummy-hold when missing data
  • workaround for data where several groups has the same untis_did
  • create dummy data with "error:missing" when missing teacher, location or subject
  • student age
  • ignore bad ssl-certificates for webuntis - as they were/(are?) buggy

Milestone 3 - running until Jan 20. 2014

  • configure mac-mini autostart api-server
  • dashboard
  • get data from remote-calendar (train schedule, etc.)
  • fix timezone bug (test daylight saving handling)
  • do not tunnel data anymore, but send it directly to the macmini via port 8080 now that the firewall is opened.
  • update config on windows server, to send current days, and not one month in the future for test.
  • preparation-server: support dump to file for development purposes
  • dashboard: show events live as they happen
  • dashboard skeleton
  • added api for getting ids of all teachers/groups/locations/activities

Milestone 2 - running until Dec. 29 2013

  • the windows server configured to extract the data each night at 1'o'clock, and send them to the mac mini.
  • added api for getting current/next/prev activity given a location, teacher or group
  • update REST-api
  • moving configuration into config-file
  • generate datafile for apiserver from ucc/webuntis-data
  • anonymising students
  • temporarily forwarding data through, as port 8080 from ssmldata to macmini doesn't seem to be open.
  • send data from ssmldata-server to macmini

Milestone 1 - running until Dec. 22 2013

  • get data from sqlserver
  • getting data from webuntis
  • got macmini onto UCCs serverpark
  • live events via faye
  • get data via api
  • got access to provisioned ssmldata-server
  • dummy data-set for automatic test
  • automatic test on macmini with fast time for development
  • deprecated running webuntis-based webservice for development

Data Issues

  • some teachers on webuntis missing from mssql (thus missing gender non-critical)
  • mapning mellem de enkelte kurser og hold mangler, har kun information på årgangsniveau, og hvilke årgange der følger hvert kursus
  • Info følgende grupper mangler via mssql: fss12b, fss11A, fss11B, fsf10a, fss10, fss10b, fss12a, norF14.1, norF14.2, norF14.3, nore12.1, samt "SPL M5 - F13A og F13B"
  • activity is not necessarily unique for group/location at a particular time, this slightly messes up current/next activity api, which just returns a singlura next/previous
  • navngivning af lokaler er måske ikke konsistent


See sample file in config.json-sample, and test.json.

config = {}
if require.main == module then do ->
    configfile = process.argv[2]
    configfile = "config" if !configfile
    configfile += ".json" if configfile.slice(-5) != ".json"
    config = JSON.parse (require "fs").readFileSync configfile, "utf8"
  catch e
    console.log "reading config #{configfile}:", e
    process.exit 1

  config.icalCacheFile ?= "cached-calendar.ical"
  config.configData ?= "data"

  process.nextTick ->
    if config.prepare then dataPreparationServer() else apiServer()

Common stuff


exports.about =
  title: "UCC Organism Backend"
  author: "Rasmus Erik Voel Jensen"
  description: "Backend for the UCC-organism"
  owner: "UCC-Organism"
  name: "uccorg-backend"
    solapp: "*"
      test: "solapp build; rm -f test.out ; ./node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee test ; diff test.out test.expected"
      async: "0.2.9"
      "coffee-script": "1.6.3"
      express: "3.4.6"
      faye: "1.0.1"
      mssql: "0.4.1"
      request: "2.30.0"
      rrule: "2.0.0"
      "js-beautify": "1.5.4"
      "jshint": "2.6.0"


assert = require "assert"
fs = require "fs"
express = require "express"
http = require "http"
faye = require "faye"
async = require "async"
mssql = require "mssql"
request = require "request"

Utility functions


Math.imul ?= (a,b)->
  _ah = (a >>> 16) & 0xffff
  _al = a & 0xffff
  _bh = (b >>> 16) & 0xffff
  _bl = b & 0xffff
  (_al * _bl) + (((_ah * _bl + _al * _bh) << 16) >>> 0)|0


eventType = (eventObject) -> (eventObject.description || "undefined").split(" ")[0]


hash = (str) ->
  result = 5381
  for i in [1..str.length-1]
    result = 33 * result + str.charCodeAt(i) &0x7fffffff


uniqueHashes = {}
uniqueHash = (s) ->
  h = hash(s)
  s2 = uniqueHashes[h]
  while s2 && s2 != s
    h += 1
    s2 = uniqueHashes[h]
  uniqueHashes[h] = s

pseudoRandom utility functions

prand = (i) ->
  i ?= 0
  next = -> 
    i = Math.imul(1103515245, i) + 12345 & 0x7fffffff
  return {
    next: -> next(); (i & 0x3fffffff) / 0x40000000
    nextN: (n) -> next(); n * (i & 0x3fffffff) / 0x40000000 | 0


seed = prand(0)
pseudoRandom = ->


uniqueId = do ->
  prevId = 0
  return -> prevId += 1


Get the current time as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss (local timezone, - or mocked value if running test/dev)

timeoffset = 0
timecorrection = 0
getDateTime = -> (new Date( + timecorrection - (new Date).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000 + timeoffset)).toISOString().slice(0,-1)

Correct time if very wrong

Get time from http. Notice this is very imprecise, and the server setup should find the correct time via NTP. Unfortunately we seem to be behind a restrictive firewall, so if we can see that the local clock is drifting way wrong, we try to work around it.

if require.main == module then setImmediate ->
  (http.get "", (o) ->
    requestTime =
    remoteTime = new Date(o?.headers?.date)
    return warn "error getting date from for clock sanity check" if String(remoteTime) == "Invalid Date"

This is very imprecise, requestTime occured at remoteTime + network latency and we do not know the network latency (and http-request include handshake, so it is also difficult to estimate).

Anyhow remoteTime has precision in seconds, and network latency also shouldn't be many seconds, so the offset should be precise within a couple of seconds, - and we only apply it if we can observe a drift of more than ½ minute :(

    timeOffset = (+remoteTime) - requestTime

    if Math.abs(timeOffset) > 30*1000
      warn "servertime is more the 30s off (#{timeOffset / 1000}), compared to google webservers + network latency, - local clock is probably very drifting, and thus we apply imprecise corrections"
      timecorrection = timeOffset
  ).on("error", (-> warn "error connecting to for clock sanity check"))


more comfortable syntax for set timeout: sleep #seconds, -> ...

sleep = (t, fn) -> setTimeout fn, t*1000


binSearchFn = (arr, fn) ->
  start = 0
  end = arr.length
  while start < end
    mid = start + end >> 1
    if fn(arr[mid]) < 0
      start = mid + 1
      end = mid
  return start

if typeof isTesting == "boolean" && isTesting then do ->
  arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
  assert.equal 2, binSearchFn arr, (a) -> a - 2
  assert.equal 3, binSearchFn arr, (a) -> a - 2.1


sendUpdate = (data, callback) ->
  datastr = JSON.stringify data

escape unicode as ascii

  datastr = datastr.replace /[^\x00-\x7f]/g, (c) ->
    "\\u" + (0x10000 + c.charCodeAt(0)).toString(16).slice(1)
  opts =
    path: config.prepare.dest.path || "/uccorg-update"
    port: config.prepare.dest.port || undefined
    method: "post"
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
      "Content-Length": datastr.length
  if !(config.prepare.dest.protocol in ["http", "https"])
    throw "config error: prepare.dest.protocol neither 'http' nor 'https'" 
  req = (require config.prepare.dest.protocol).request opts, callback
  console.log "sending data: #{datastr.length} bytes"
  req.write datastr


status =
  bootTime: getDateTime()
  warnings: {}
warn = (msg) ->
  status.warnings[msg] = getDateTime()

generalSettings =
  try (require "./#{config.configData}/general-settings.json")
  catch e
    warn "Error in configuration in #{config.configData}/ " + e

generalSettings.minRoam ?= 15
generalSettings.maxRoam ?= 30


data preparation - processing/extract running on the SSMLDATA-server

dataPreparationServer = ->

SQL Server data source

  getSqlServerData = (done) ->
    if config.prepare.mssqlDump
        result = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync config.prepare.mssqlDump
        return done? result
      catch e
        console.log "Loading mssql dump:",  e

    entries = ["Hold", "Studerende", "Ansatte", "AnsatteHold", "StuderendeHold"]
    result = {}
    return done?(result) if not config.prepare.mssql

    handleNext = ->
      if entries.length == 0
        if config.prepare.mssqlDump
          fs.writeFileSync config.prepare.mssqlDump, (JSON.stringify result, null, 2)
        return done?(result)
      current = entries.pop()
      console.log "mssql", current
      req = con.request()
      req.execute "Get#{current}CampusNord", (err, reqset) ->
        throw err if err
        result[current] = reqset

    con = new mssql.Connection config.prepare.mssql, (err) ->
      throw err if err

Webuntis data source

We do not yet know if we should use the webuntis api, or get a single data dump from ucc If needed extract code from old-backend-code.js

  getWebUntisData = (callback) ->
    if config.prepare.webuntisDump
        result = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync config.prepare.webuntisDump
        return callback?(result)
      catch e
        warn "error loading webunits dump"
        console.log "Loading webuntis dump:", e
    do ->
      apikey = config.prepare.webuntis
      untisCall = 0

webuntis - function for calling the webuntis api

      webuntis = (name, cb) ->
        if ((++untisCall) % 100) == 0
          console.log "webuntis api call ##{untisCall}: #{name}"
        url = "" + name + "?api_key=" + apikey
        request {
            url: url
            rejectUnauthorized: false
          }, (err, result, content) ->
            warn "webuntis request error #{name}" if err
            return cb err if err
            cb null, JSON.parse content

extract data, download data needed from webuntis

      extractData = (dataDone) ->
        result =
          locations: {}
          subjects: {}
          lessons: {}
          groups: {}
          teachers: {}
          departments: {}
        async.eachSeries (Object.keys result), ((datatype, cb) ->
          console.log "getting #{datatype} from webuntis"
          webuntis datatype, (err, data) ->
            cb err if err
            async.eachSeries data, ((obj, cb) ->
              id = obj.untis_id
              webuntis "#{datatype}/#{id}", (err, data) ->
                result[datatype][id] = data
                cb err
            ), (err) -> cb err
        ), (err) ->
          dataDone err, result
      extractData (err, data) ->
        warn "extractData error" if err
        throw err if err
        if config.prepare.webuntisDump
          fs.writeFileSync config.prepare.webuntisDump, (JSON.stringify data, null, 2)

Transform data for the event/api-server

  processData = (webuntis, sqlserver, callback) ->
    startTime = config.prepare.startDate || 0
    if typeof startTime == "number"
      startTime = (new Date(+(new Date()) + startTime * 24*60*60*1000)).toISOString()
      startTime = (new Date(startTime)).toISOString()
    endTime = (new Date(+(new Date(startTime)) + (config.prepare.timespan || 1) * 24*60*60*1000)).toISOString()
    console.log "Extracting data from #{startTime} to #{endTime}"

The file in the repository contains sample data for test.

For each kind of data there is a mapping from id to individual object

Output description

  • activities: id, start/end, teachers, locations, subject, groups
  • groups: id, group-name, programme, students(id,gender)
  • teachers: id, gender, programme
  • locations: id, name, longname, capacity
  • calendarEvents: start, end, title, description


    result =
      locations: {}
      activities: {}
      groups: {}
      teachers: {}


    for _, location of webuntis.locations
      result.locations[] =
        name: location.longname
        capacity: location.capacity


    teachers = {}
    for obj in sqlserver.Ansatte[0]
      teachers[obj.Initialer] = obj

    addTeacher = (obj) ->
      id = obj.untis_id
      name =
      warn "missing teacher in mssql" if !teachers[name]
      result.teachers[id] =
        id: id
        gender: teachers[name]?["Køn"]
        programme: teachers[name]?["Afdeling"]
        programmeDesc: do ->
          id = obj.departments[0]
          dept = webuntis.departments[id]
          "#{dept?.name} - #{dept?.longname}"

addGroup (and students)

    students = {}
    studentId = 0
    studentIds = {}
    getStudentId = (studienummer) -> studentIds[studienummer]

    for obj in sqlserver.Studerende[0]
      studentIds[obj.Studienummer] = ++studentId
      studentObject =
        id: getStudentId obj.Studienummer
        gender: obj["Køn"]

calculate age from birthday

      today = new Date()
      birthday = obj["Fødselsdag"]
      if birthday

        birthyear = parseInt(birthday.slice(4,6), 10)

fix two-digit year problem, ie. "12" could be both 1912 and 2012 assume 21st century if it is before today.

        birthyear += 100 if birthyear < (today.getYear() - 100)

        birthmonth = parseInt(birthday.slice(2,4), 10)
        birthdate = parseInt(birthday.slice(0,2), 10)

        age = today.getYear() - birthyear
        age -= 1 if new Date(today.getYear(), birthmonth - 1, birthdate) > today

        studentObject.age = age

      studentObject.end = obj.Forventet_slutdato if obj.Forventet_slutdato

      students[getStudentId obj.Studienummer] = studentObject

    groups = {}
    for obj in sqlserver.Hold[0]
      groups[obj.Holdnavn] =
        name: obj.Holdnavn
        department: obj.Afdeling
        start: obj.StartDato
        end: obj.SlutDato
        students: []
    for obj in sqlserver.StuderendeHold[0]
      if !groups[obj.Holdnavn]
        console.log 'Data error: Hold missing for StuderendeHold', obj
        warn 'Data error: Hold missing for StuderendeHold ' + obj.Holdnavn

Dummy hold

        groups[obj.Holdnavn] =
          name: obj.Holdnavn
          department: '219405'
          start: '01-01-2014'
          end: '01-01-2060'
          students: []
      groups[obj.Holdnavn].students.push students[getStudentId obj.Studienummer]

    addGroup = (obj) ->
      return obj.untis_id if result.groups[obj.untis_id]

Buggy data: sometimes the same group has several untis_id, which is why we make a deep copy with json.parse/stringify

      grp = result.groups[obj.untis_id] = JSON.parse JSON.stringify groups[obj.alias] || {} = obj.untis_id =
      dept = webuntis.departments[obj.department]
      warn "Department missing: #{obj.department}" if !dept and obj.department
      grp.programme = "#{dept?.name} - #{dept?.longname}"

Add all groups groups and teachers

to make sure they are available if needed needed by calendar events

    do ->
      for _, teacher of webuntis.teachers
        addTeacher teacher

      for _, group of webuntis.groups
        addGroup group

Handle Activities

    for _, activity of webuntis.lessons
      if startTime < activity.end && activity.start < endTime && activity.end
        result.activities[activity.untis_id] =
          id: activity.untis_id
          start: activity.start
          end: activity.end
          teachers: (untis_id) ->
            addTeacher webuntis.teachers[untis_id] || {untis_id: untis_id, name: "error:missing", departments: ["error:missing"] }
          locations: (loc) -> webuntis.locations[loc]?.name || "error:missing"
          subject: -> webuntis.subjects[subj]?.longname || "error:missing").join(" ")
          groups: (untis_id) ->
            addGroup webuntis.groups[untis_id] || {untis_id: untis_id}


    callback result


  getWebUntisData (data1) ->
    getSqlServerData (data2) ->
      processData data1, data2, (result) ->
        result.status = status
        if config.prepare.dest.dump
          fs.writeFile config.prepare.dest.dump, JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)
        sendUpdate result, (err, data) ->
          if err
            console.log 'sendUpdate error:', err
            warn 'sendUpdate error'
          console.log "submitted to api-server"
          process.exit 0


apiServer = ->
  data = undefined
  activitiesBy =
    group: {}
    location: {}
    teacher: {}
  eventsByAgent = {}


  calendarData = (done) ->
    icaldata = []
    request config.icalUrl || "http://no-ical-url-in-config/", (err, result, ical) ->
      if err
        warn 'Error getting calendar data ' + config.icalUrl
        ical = fs.readFileSync config.icalCacheFile, "utf8"
        fs.writeFile config.icalCacheFile, ical

      return done() if !ical
      icaldata = []
      !ical.replace /BEGIN:VEVENT([\s\S]*?)END:VEVENT/g, (_,e) ->
        props = e.split(/\r\n/).filter((x) -> x != "")
        event = {}
        for prop in props
          pos = prop.indexOf ":"
          pos = Math.min(pos, prop.indexOf ";") if prop.indexOf(";") != -1
          event[prop.slice(0,pos)] = prop.slice(pos+1)
        icaldata.push event
      calId = 0
      result = []
      startTime = getDateTime()
      endTime = +(new Date(getDateTime())) + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
      result.calendarEvents = []
      handleEvent = (dtstart, event) ->
        activity =
          id: "cal#{++calId}"
          start: dtstart.toISOString()
          end: new Date(+dtstart + (+iCalDate(event.DTEND) - +iCalDate(event.DTSTART))).toISOString()
          type: String(event.SUMMARY).trim().toLowerCase()
        result.push activity
      iCalDate = (t) ->
        d = t.replace /.*:/, ""

WARNING: here we assume that we are in Europe/Copenhagen-timezone

        d = new Date(+d.slice(0,4), +d.slice(4,6) - 1, + d.slice(6,8), +d.slice(9,11), +d.slice(11,13), +d.slice(13,15), 0)
        d = new Date(+d - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000)
        if (t.slice(0, 23) == "TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:") || (t.slice(0,11) == "VALUE=DATE:")
        else if t.slice(-1) == "Z"
          d = new Date(+d - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000)
          warn "timezone bug in calendar data " + t + " " + d
          console.log "timezone bug in calendar data", t, d
      if icaldata then for event in icaldata
        if event.RRULE
          RRule = (require "rrule").RRule
          opts = RRule.parseString event.RRULE
          opts.dtstart = iCalDate event.DTSTART
          rule = new RRule(opts)
          occurences = rule.between(new Date(startTime), new Date(endTime), true)
          for occurence in occurences
            handleEvent occurence, event
        else if startTime <= iCalDate(event.DTSTART).toISOString() < endTime
          handleEvent iCalDate(event.DTSTART), event
      data.calendar = result if data?
      done result

calculate time offset once per hour, rewind clock a week, if more than eight days since last data update

  updateTimeOffset = ->
    lastUpdate = new Date(status.lastDataUpdate)
    if 8 < (new Date() - lastUpdate + timeoffset) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24
      timeoffset -= 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
  setInterval updateTimeOffset, 1000 * 60

Handle data

Pushed to the server from UCC daily.

  handleUCCData = (input, done) ->
    console.log "handling data update from ucc-server"
    fs.writeFile config.apiserver.cachefile, JSON.stringify(input), ->
      data = input
      if input.status and input.status.warnings
        for key, val of input.status.warnings
          status.warnings[key] = "data " + val
      calendarData enrichData
      console.log "data replaced with new data from ucc-server"
  enrichData = -> #{{{3 

    activitiesBy =
      group: {}
      location: {}
      teacher: {}

Tables with activities ordered by group/location/teacher

    for _, activity of data.activities
      for kind, collection of activitiesBy
        for elem in activity["#{kind}s"]
          collection[elem] ?= []
          collection[elem].push activity
    for _, collection of activitiesBy
      for _, arr of collection
        arr.sort (a, b) -> a.end.localeCompare b.end

add agent+events

agent/event data structure

    assignAgentColors = (agent) ->
      seed = prand(hash(

      randomComponent = (a, b) ->
         a = parseInt a, 16
         b = parseInt b, 16
         n = 0x100 + a + * (b - a) | 0

      randomColor = (c1, c2) ->
        r = randomComponent(c1.slice(1,3),c2.slice(1,3))
        g = randomComponent(c1.slice(3,5),c2.slice(3,5))
        b = randomComponent(c1.slice(5,7),c2.slice(5,7))
        "#" + r + g + b

      colors = generalSettings.agentColors?[agent.programme]
      colors = generalSettings.agentColors?.default if !colors
      return if !(colors?.color1min and colors.color2min and colors.color1max and colors.color2max)

      agent.color1 = randomColor(colors.color1min, colors.color1max)
      agent.color2 = randomColor(colors.color2min, colors.color2max)

    data.agents = {} #{{{3
    for _, teacher of data.teachers
      id = "teacher" +
      data.agents[id] = agent = {}
      agent.kind = "teacher"
      agent.gender = teacher.gender
      agent.programme = teacher.programmeDesc = id

    data.agents.JamesBond =
      kind: "yes"
      gender: 1
      license: "kill -9"
      id: "007"
      description: "undercover testagent"

    for groupId, group of data.groups
      continue if not group.students
      for student in group.students
        id = "student" +
        data.agents[id] = agent = data.agents[id] || {}
        if agent.programme && group.programme != agent.programme
          console.log "warning: student in several programmes, ignoring", id, group.programme, agent.programme
          warn "warning: student in several programmes, ignoring " + id  + " " + group.programme + " " + agent.programme
        agent.kind = "student"
        agent.programme = group.programme
        agent.groups ?= []
        agent.groups.push groupId
        agent.age = student.age
        agent.gender = student.gender
        agent.end = student.end = id
        assignAgentColors(agent) = {} # {{{3

    addEvent = (agents, location, time, description, misc) ->
      if !agents || !agents.length

id = time + '' + hash("" + agents + location + description) + ''+ uniqueId()

      id = time + '_' + uniqueHash("" + agents + location + description) + '_'+ ((description || "").split " ")[0][id] =
        id: id
        location: location || undefined
        description: description
        time: time
        agents: agents
      if misc
        for key, val of misc
[id][key] ?= val

    addEvents = (agents, locations, time, description, misc) ->
      len = locations.length
      if len > 1

distribute agents into locations for event

        for i in [0..len-1] by 1
          addEvent (agents[j] for j in [i..agents.length-1] by len),
            locations[i], time, description, misc
        addEvent agents, locations[0], time, description, misc

    seed = prand(0)
    for _, activity of data.activities
      agents = []
      for teacherId in activity.teachers
        agents.push "teacher" + teacherId
      for groupId in activity.groups
        for student in data.groups[groupId].students || []
          agents.push "student" +

      addEvents agents, activity.locations, activity.start, "scheduled " + activity.subject, { likelyEndTime: activity.end}
      minBreak = config.minBreak || 1 / 59
      maxBreak = config.maxBreak || 1 / 59
      breakRandom = prand(hash("" + activity.start + activity.locations + activity.agents))
      breakTime = 1000*60*( * (maxBreak - minBreak))
      endTime = (new Date(new Date(activity.end.slice(0,19)+'Z') - breakTime)).toISOString().slice(0,19)
      addEvent agents, undefined, endTime, "roaming", {autoLeave: leaveTime(endTime + agents)}

for agent in agents addEvent [agent], undefined, (new Date(new Date(activity.end.slice(0,19)+'Z') - (- (generalSettings.minRoam + (generalSettings.maxRoam - generalSettings.minRoam) * pseudoRandom())|0) * 60 * 1000)).toISOString().slice(0,19), "away"

    randomEvents = (start, end, events) -> #{{{3
      for o in events
        o.minDuration ?= 0.1
        o.maxDuration ?= 10
          for agentId, agent of data.agents
            if agent.kind in o.agentTypes
              time = +(new Date(start))
              end = +(new Date(end))
              random = prand(hash(agentId + start + o.description))
              time += 2 * * 60 * 60 * 1000 / o.frequencyPerHour
              while time < end
                location = o.locations[random.nextN o.locations.length]
                startEvent = addEvent [agentId], location, (new Date(time)).toISOString(), "random " + o.description, {during: o.during}
                endTime = time + 1000*60* (o.minDuration  + (o.maxDuration - o.minDuration) *
                addEvent [agentId], null, (new Date(endTime)).toISOString(), "random-end " + o.description, {ends: startEvent}
                time += 2 * * 60 * 60 * 1000 / o.frequencyPerHour
        catch e
          console.log e
          warn "error creating random events for #{JSON.stringify o}: #{String(e)}"
    data.beforeRandom = {}

    behaviourApi = #{{{3
      addEvent: (o) ->
        if Array.isArray o.location
          addEvents o.agents, o.location, o.time, o.description, o
          addEvent o.agents, o.location, o.time, o.description, o
      addAgent: (agent) -> = || uniqueId()
        warn "missing agent kind #{}" if !agent.kind
        warn "duplicate agent #{}" if data.agents[]
        data.agents[] = agent
      randomEvents: randomEvents

    try (require "./#{config.configData}/behaviour.js").calendarAgents (data.calendar || []), behaviourApi, data
    catch e
      warn "Error in configuration in data/ " + e

    data.eventPos = 0 #{{{3
    data.agentNow = {}
    data.locationNow = {}
    data.eventList = Object.keys

    while data.eventPos < data.eventList.length && data.eventList[data.eventPos] < getDateTime()
      data.eventPos += 1 = {}
    for event in data.eventList
      e =[event]
      if e.location[e.location] ?= [][e.location].push event
      for agent in (e.agents || [])[agent] ?= [][agent].push event
    for id, events of[id] = events.reverse()

read cached data

    data = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync config.apiserver.cachefile
    if data.status && data.status.warnings
      for key, val of data.status.warnings
        status.warnings[key] = "data " + val
  catch e
    console.log "reading cached data:", e
    data =
      activities: {}
      calendarEvents: []
      groups: {}
      locations: {}
      status: {}
      teachers: {}
    warn "couldn't read cached data"
  process.nextTick enrichData


  app = express()
  app.use express.static "#{__dirname}/public"
  server = app.listen config.apiserver.port
  console.log "starting server on port: #{config.apiserver.port}"

REST server

  app.use (req, res, next) ->

no caching, if server through cdn

    res.header "Cache-Control", "public, max-age=0"


    res.header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"

no need to tell the world what server software we are running, - security best practise

    res.removeHeader "X-Powered-By"

  app.all "/stop-server", (req,res)->
    res.end "ok, exiting"
    setImmediate -> process.exit 0
  nextEvent = (agentOrLocation) ->
    events =[agentOrLocation]
    return null if !events
    events.pop() while events.length && (events[events.length - 1] < getDateTime())
    events[events.length - 1]

  defRest = (name, member) ->
    app.all "/next/:id", (req, res) ->
      event = nextEvent
      res.json(if event then {event: event} else {})

    app.all "/#{name}/:id", (req, res) ->
      res.json data[member][]
    app.all "/#{member}", (req, res) ->
      res.json Object.keys data[member]
  endpoints =
    teacher: "teachers"
    activity: "activities"
    group: "groups"
    location: "locations"
    event: "events"
    agent: "agents"

  updateStatus = (cb) ->
    fs.stat config.apiserver.cachefile, (err, stat) ->
      status.organismTime = getDateTime()
      status.lastDataUpdate = stat?.mtime
      status.eventDetails =
          count: data.eventList.length
          pos: data.eventPos
          first: data.eventList[0]
          next: data.eventList[data.eventPos + 1]
          last: data.eventList[data.eventList.length - 1]
      status.connections = clientCount
      cb? status

  app.all "/status", (req, res) ->
    updateStatus (result) ->
      res.json result

  app.all "/now/:kind/:id", (req, res) ->
    res.json (data[req.params.kind + "Now"] || {})[] || {}

  app.all "/current-state", (req, res) ->
    res.json data.agentNow

  app.all "/client-config", (req, res) ->
      file = __dirname + "/client-config/default.json"
      file = __dirname + "/client-config/user.json" if fs.existsSync(__dirname + "/client-config/user.json")
      res.json JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"))
    catch e
      res.json {}

  app.all "/arrivals", (req, res) ->
    arrivals (result) ->
      res.json result
  defRest name, member for name, member of endpoints

When getting a request to /update, write it to data.json

For example upload with: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @datafile.json http://localhost:7890/update

  app.all "/update", (req, res) ->
    handleUCCData req.body, -> res.end()
  app.use "/uccorg-update", (req, res, next) ->
    result = ""
    req.on "data", (data) ->
      result += data
    req.on "end", ->
      console.log "getting #{result.length} bytes"
      handleUCCData (JSON.parse result), -> res.end()

Push server


  bayeux = new faye.NodeAdapter
    mount: '/faye'
    timeout: 45
  bayeux.on "subscribe", (clientId, channel) ->
    console.log channel, typeof channel

  clientCount = 0

  bayeux.on "handshake", (clientId, channel) ->

  bayeux.on "disconnect", (clientId, channel) ->
  bayeux.attach server

Events and event emitter

  filterEvent = (event) ->
    currentEvent =[data.agentNow[event.agents[0]]?.event] || {}
    if eventType(event) == "random"

only emit random events if they are happening during an activity where they can occur

      return if not (eventType(currentEvent) in event.during)

remember the previous event, to be able to restore it, - but only if it isn't a random event

      if eventType(currentEvent) != "random"
        data.beforeRandom[event.agents[0]] =

    if eventType(event) == "random-end"
      if (data.agentNow[event.agents[0]]?.event) != event.ends
        data.beforeRandom[event.agents[0]] = undefined
      prevEvent =[data.beforeRandom[event.agents[0]] ]
      if prevEvent and !(prevEvent.description == "roaming" && prevEvent.autoLeave)
        event.description = prevEvent.description
        event.location = prevEvent.location
        event.clonedId =
        event.description = "roaming"
        event.autoLeave = leaveTime(

      data.beforeRandom[event.agents[0]] = undefined

    if event.description == "away" and data.agentNow[event.agents[0]].activity != "roaming"

TODO also go away if doing random stuff

    return event

  autoLeave = []
  nextAutoLeave = "0"
  addAutoLeave = (event) ->
    autoLeave.push event
    nextAutoLeave = event.autoLeave if event.autoLeave < nextAutoLeave
  handleAutoLeave = (now) ->
    events = []
    if nextAutoLeave <= now
      list = autoLeave
      autoLeave = []
      nextAutoLeave = "9999"
      for event in list
        if event.autoLeave <= now
          for agent in event.agents
            if data.agentNow[agent].event ==
              id = event.autoLeave + '_' + uniqueHash(agent + + '_away'
    [id] =
                id: id
                description: "away"
                time: event.autoLeave
                agents: [agent]
              events.push id
          addAutoLeave event

  leaveTime = (t) ->
    prng = prand(hash(t))
    (new Date(new Date(t.slice(0,19)+'Z') - (- (generalSettings.minRoam + (generalSettings.maxRoam - generalSettings.minRoam) *|0) * 60 * 1000)).toISOString().slice(0,19)

  emitEvent = (event) ->
    event = filterEvent event
    return if not event
    addAutoLeave(event) if event.autoLeave[] = event if ![]
    console.log getDateTime(),, event.description, event.location
    updateState event
    bayeux.getClient().publish "/events", event

  eventEmitter = ->
    now = getDateTime()
    events = handleAutoLeave now
    while data.eventPos < data.eventList.length and data.eventList[data.eventPos] <= now
      events.push data.eventList[data.eventPos]
    for event in events

  setInterval eventEmitter, 100

Train arrival data from rejseplanen

Get data

  arrivalCache = []
  getArrivals = (d, cb) ->

    url = "" +
      "?id=8600683&date=#{d.getUTCDate()}.#{d.getUTCMonth() + 1}.#{String(d.getUTCFullYear()).slice(2)}&time=#{d.getUTCHours()}:#{d.getUTCMinutes()}"
    (require "request") url, (err, _, data) ->
      return cb(err) if err
      arrivalCache = []
      !data.replace /<Arrival name="(.*?)"[^>]*?type="(.*?)"[^>]*?time="(.*?)" date="(.*?)" [^>]*? origin="(.*)">/g, (_, name, type, time, date, origin) ->
          name: name
          type: type
          date: "20#{date.slice(6,8)}-#{date.slice(3,5)}-#{date.slice(0,2)}T#{time}:00"
          origin: origin
      cb null, arrivalCache

  arrivals = (cb) ->
    now = getDateTime()
    getArrivals (new Date(now)), (err, result) ->
      if err
        cb []
        cb result

Emit events

  lastArrivalEmit = undefined

  doArrival = (arrival) ->
    agentId = + " " + arrival.origin
    agent = data.agents[agentId]
    if !agent
      agent = data.agents[agentId] =
        id: agentId
        kind: "transport"
        origin: arrival.origin
    location = data.locations[arrival.type]
    if !location
      location = data.locations[arrival.type] =
        id: arrival.type
        kind: "transport"
      id: getDateTime() + agentId + " arrive"
      time: getDateTime()
      description: "transport arrival"
      agents: []
      location: arrival.type
    sleep 2 + Math.random() * 60, ->
        id: getDateTime() + agentId + " leave"
        time: getDateTime()
        description: "transport leaving"
        agents: []

  arrivalEmitter = ->
    now = getDateTime().slice(0,-6) + "00"

    doEmit = (arrs) ->
      if now == lastArrivalEmit
        return setTimeout arrivalEmitter, 30000
      lastArrivalEmit = now
      if !arrs.length
        return setTimeout arrivalEmitter, 60*60*1000
      for arrival in arrs
        if == now
          doArrival arrival
      setTimeout arrivalEmitter, 30000

    if !arrivalCache.length || now >= arrivalCache[arrivalCache.length - 1].date
      arrivals doEmit
      doEmit arrivalCache

  arrivalEmitter() if not config.test

update global state (agents/events)

  updateState = (event) ->
    return if not event
    for agent in event.agents
      prevLocation = (data.agentNow[agent] || {}).location
      data.locationNow[prevLocation].agents = data.locationNow[prevLocation].agents.filter ( (a) -> a != agent) if prevLocation
      location = event.location
      if location
        data.locationNow[location] = data.locationNow[location] || {}
        data.locationNow[location].agents = data.locationNow[location].agents || []
        data.locationNow[location].agents.push agent
        data.locationNow[location].event =
      data.agentNow[agent] = {}
      data.agentNow[agent].location = location if location
      data.agentNow[agent].activity = event.description if event.description
      data.agentNow[agent].event =

  calendarData enrichData #{{{2


  if config.test
    testResult = ""
    testLog = (args...)->
      testResult += (JSON.stringify([args...]) + "\n").replace(/("id":"2015[^_]*)[^"]*/, '"id":"some-id')
    testDone = ->
      fs.writeFileSync config.test.outfile, testResult if config.test.outfile
    testStart = config.test.startDate
    testEnd = config.test.endDate

Factor by which the time will run by during the test

    testSpeed = config.test.xTime

Rest test

    restTest = ->
      restTest = -> undefined
      console.log "restTest", getDateTime()

      url = "http://localhost:#{config.apiserver.port}/"
      restTestRequest = (id) -> (done) ->
        request url + id, (err, req, data) ->
          testLog id, JSON.parse data
      async.series [
        restTestRequest "now/location/Brikserum C.125"
        restTestRequest "now/group/49"
        restTestRequest "now/teacher/23"
        restTestRequest "now/location/C.284"
        restTestRequest "group/49"
        restTestRequest "teacher/23"
        restTestRequest "location/C.208"
        restTestRequest "activity/99009"

Mock getDateTime,

Date corresponds to the test data set, and a clock that runs very fast

    testTime = + (new Date testStart)
    getDateTime = -> testTime
    setTimeout ( ->
      startTime =
      getDateTime = -> (new Date(testTime + ( - startTime) * testSpeed)).toISOString() 
    ), 3000

run the test - current test client just emits "/events" back as "/test"

    bayeux.getClient().subscribe "/events", (message) ->
      testLog "event", message
    setInterval (->
      if config.test.restTestTime && getDateTime() >= config.test.restTestTime
      if getDateTime() >= testEnd
        testLog "testDone"
    ), 100000 / testSpeed

sendUpdate data, -> undefined

Autogenerated, edit to update repos


Backend for processing the nightly data dump and pushing it to the frontend






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