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Provides a WP CLI command for exporting gravity form entries to an external MySQL database.

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UCF Online Entries Exporter

Provides a WP CLI command for exporting gravity form entries to an external MySQL database.


In order to be able to better work with the data received through Gravity Form entries, this plugin allows for the export of form entries to an external database table for use in tools like Power BI.


Head over to the UCF Online Entries Exporter wiki for detailed information about this plugin, installation instructions, and more. Please, ensure the required plugins are installed prior to trying to enable the plugin.




  • Added composer file.


Bug Fixes:

  • Added the --force-updates flag so records can be updated if there's a problem during the previous run.
  • Added logic for multi-input fields, like the name type field that has first, last, prefix, middle, suffix all split out.


Bug Fixes:

  • Updated the schema verification step to deal with empty field labels and corrected some bugs in the final output of those results.


  • Initial release

Upgrade Notice



Enabling debug mode in your wp-config.php file is recommended during development to help catch warnings and bugs.


  • node v16+
  • gulp-cli


  1. Clone the UCF-Online-Entries-Exporter repo into your local development environment, within your WordPress installation's plugins/ directory: git clone

  2. cd into the new UCF-Online-Entries-Exporter directory, and run npm install to install required packages for development into node_modules/ within the repo

  3. Optional: If you'd like to enable BrowserSync for local development, or make other changes to this project's default gulp configuration, copy gulp-config.template.json, make any desired changes, and save as gulp-config.json.

    To enable BrowserSync, set sync to true and assign syncTarget the base URL of a site on your local WordPress instance that will use this plugin, such as http://localhost/wordpress/my-site/. Your syncTarget value will vary depending on your local host setup.

    The full list of modifiable config values can be viewed in gulpfile.js (see config variable).

  4. Run gulp default to process front-end assets.

  5. If you haven't already done so, create a new WordPress site on your development environment to test this plugin against.

  6. Install all the required plugins.

  7. Activate this plugin on your development WordPress site.

  8. Configure plugin settings from the WordPress admin under "Settings > UCF Online Entries Exporter".

Other Notes

  • This plugin's file is automatically generated. Please only make modifications to the README.txt file, and make sure the gulp readme command has been run before committing README changes. See the contributing guidelines for more information.


Want to submit a bug report or feature request? Check out our contributing guidelines for more information. We'd love to hear from you!


Provides a WP CLI command for exporting gravity form entries to an external MySQL database.






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