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This AMI contains the setup for CV-Inspector using Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type.

Proceed to Accessing the AMI to get details on how to request access to the our CV-Inspector AMI.

Visit our CV-Inspector Project page for more information, including datasets that we utilized in the paper.


If you create a publication (including web pages, papers published by a third party, and publicly available presentations) using CV-Inspector, please cite the corresponding paper as follows:

  title={{CV-Inspector: Towards Automating Detection of Adblock Circumvention}},
  author={Le, Hieu and Markopoulou, Athina and Shafiq, Zubair},
  booktitle={The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.14722/ndss.2021.24055},


We also encourage you to provide us ( with a link to your publication. We use this information in reports to our funding agencies.

Accessing the AMI

Getting Started

Filter lists

Currently, the filter list are using the ones in March 2020. (This matches with what we used in the paper). To update the filter list, use scp and update the files in ~/github/cv-inspector/filter_lists/ directory.

When calling cvinspector_monitor (described later), it will use either EasyList (if anticv_on False) or with the abp-filters-anti-cv.txt (if anticv_on True). All other filter lists are passed into cvinspector_monitor to filter OUT web requests.

Starting CV-Inspector

A. We need to start the local proxy that serves the static list of easylist and anti-cv list.

  1. Start a new screen : screen -S abp_proxy
  2. Activate the virtualenv: source ~/envs/cvinspector/bin/activate
  3. cd ~/github/cv-inspector/
  4. start the proxy: cvinspector_abp_proxy --filter_list_directory filter_lists
  5. Detach from the screen: CTRL+a then press d

B. Now we can run the script for CV-Inspector

  1. Start a new screen : screen -S cvinspector
  2. Activate the virtualenv: source ~/envs/cvinspector/bin/activate
  3. cd ~/github/cv-inspector/
  4. The main script is cvinspector_monitor. It has many parameters to pass in, so use cvinspector_monitor --help if need be.
  5. While the script is running, you can detach from screen if necessary using CTRL+a then press d.

An example here: (this example can be used as is to run the example file misc_data/example_label_input.csv)

cvinspector_monitor --anticv_on False --trials 4 --beyond_landing_pages true --chrome_driver_path chromedriver/chromedriver78 --chrome_adblockplus_ext_abs_path /home/ubuntu/github/adblockpluschrome/ --filter_list_paths filter_lists/easyprivacy.txt,filter_lists/disconnectme_abp.txt,filter_lists/getadmiral-domains.txt,filter_lists/antiadblockfilters.txt --classifier_path model/rf_model.sav --classifier_features_file_path model/features.txt --start_index 0 --end_index 2 --sites_csv misc_data/example_label_input.csv --output_directory /home/ubuntu/temp_output/detection_output/example_monitor/ --output_directory_ts /home/ubuntu/temp_output/detection_output/example_monitor_ts/ --output_suffix test_label --chrome_driver_path chromedriver/chromedriver78 --chrome_adblockplus_ext_abs_path /home/ubuntu/github/adblockpluschrome/ --by_rank false --log_level INFO

When the script finishes, it will print out where it outputs the last CSV with the label results. Use the cv_detect column from the CSV to know whether it predicted 0 = No Circumvention or 1 = Has Circumvention

Important parameters to notice:

  • --anticv_on: whether you want CV-Inspector to load the anti-cv list. If false, it will only rely on EasyList
  • --filter_list_paths: path to filterlists that you want to use to filter out traffic that you DO NOT care about
  • --sites_csv: the file that you want CV-Inspector to run on. An example is in misc_data/example_label_input.csv. Formatting must match that file
  • --start_index and --end_index: How many sites of the given file from --sites_csv do you want to crawl? For example, if the csv file has 100 sites and you only want to first test the first 10, then use --start_index 0 --end_index 10.
  • --output_directory: where the output will be
  • --beyond_landing_pages: if you want it to find a subpage to crawl as well.
  • --beyond_landing_pages_only: Given a URL, crawl an existing subpage only, while skipping the given URL.
  • --chrome_driver_path: Path to your chrome driver, this should be in chromedriver/chromedriver78
  • --chrome_adblockplus_ext_abs_path: Path to the CV-Inspector custom adblock plus.


  • ~/github/cv-inspector: Holds the main code base for CV-Inspector
  • ~/github/adblockpluschrome: Holds the instrumented code of Adblock Plus 3.7
  • ~/github/cv-inspector-adblockpluschrome: Holds the cv-inspector patch to Adblock Plus 3.7
  • ~/envs: Holds the virtualenvs that we created to run CV-Inspector


Intermediate data is saved in mongodb to be audited, if necessary. To inspect the mongoDB, go to a terminal within AWS EC2:

  • mongo
  • use anticircumvention
  • show collections

Misc Problems for AMI

  1. When first starting an EC2 instance of AMI, running the cvinspector_monitor script may cause this problem:
pyvirtualdisplay.abstractdisplay.XStartTimeoutError: No reply from program Xvfb. command:['Xvfb', '-br', '-nolisten', 'tcp', '-screen', '0', '1920x3000x24', '-displayfd', '4']

Not sure why this happens, but just run the script a second time and it should work.