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CV-Inspector Self Setup

This provides full instructions on how to set up CV-Inspector.

CV-Inspector was developed and used in the paper: CV-Inspector: Towards Automating Detection of Adblock Circumvention.

Visit our CV-Inspector Project page for more information, including datasets that we utilized in the paper.


If you create a publication (including web pages, papers published by a third party, and publicly available presentations) using CV-Inspector, please cite the corresponding paper as follows:

  title={{CV-Inspector: Towards Automating Detection of Adblock Circumvention}},
  author={Le, Hieu and Markopoulou, Athina and Shafiq, Zubair},
  booktitle={The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.14722/ndss.2021.24055},


We also encourage you to provide us ( with a link to your publication. We use this information in reports to our funding agencies.

Setup Overview

In order to properly run CV-Inspector, your environment must be completely setup. This setup was tested using Amazon Machine Image: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

  1. Install all basic dependencies
    1. npm, mongodb, xvfb, Python 3.6+, python-pip, virtualenv
    2. Create a virtual environment for python3: we will call this cvinspector
      1. virtualenv --python=python3 [path_to_your_envs]/cvinspector
    3. Next see Install Google-Chrome 78
    4. Next see Install Chrome Driver 78
  2. Set up CV-Inspector Adblock Plus Chrome Extension
    1. Follow instructions from that repo to build the extension
    2. Keep track of where the directory is within that project
  3. git clone CV-Inspector
    1. Install CV-Inspector python module: See Installing CV-Inspector
    2. Build chrome extensions: See Build CV-Inspector Chrome Extensions
  4. Install the necessary MongoDB collections: See Setup MongoDB
  5. Setup the chrome profiles you will need. CV-Inspector relies on two main cases: (A) No Adblocker, (B) With Adblocker. Along with those, we also can decide whether to consider the anti-cv list or only the easylist.
    1. See Setup Chrome Profiles
  6. Install npm packages for ad-block postprocessing.
    1. See Setup Ad-block Postprocessing

Your environment is now ready. Now proceed to Starting CV-Inspector

Installing CV-Inspector

  1. cd to the root project
  2. Activate virtualenv if necessary
    1. source [path_to_your_envs]/cvinspector/bin/activate
  3. As a development package: pip install -e .

Install Google-Chrome 78

CV-Inspector uses google-chrome 78. To make sure it is compatible, do the following:

  1. wget -O google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
    1. Taken from
  2. sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
  3. sudo apt-get -f install

Install Chrome Driver 78

  1. wget
  2. unzip
  3. mv chromedriver [CV-Inspector]/chromedriver/chromedriver78

Build CV-Inspector Chrome Extensions

  1. cd to the root project
  2. cvinspector_buildextensions --extension_path chromeext
  3. if this fails, you may need to update your nodejs and npm versions
    1. To update nodejs:
       sudo npm cache clean -f
       sudo npm install -g n
       sudo n stable
    1. Then update npm: sudo npm install -g npm
    2. See if both are updated by looking at their versions:
       npm -v
       node -v

Setup MongoDB

  1. Install MongoDB
  2. Create the necessary db and collections:
    1. cd to the external_scripts/ directory of this project
    2. Open a new terminal and start the client side of mongodb: mongo
    3. Create a new db: use anticircumvention
    4. Add all necessary collections using script: load("setup_mongo_collections.js")
    5. Verify collections are there: show collections
    6. You are done: quit()

Adblock Plus Proxy

The proxy serves the version of EasyList and Anti-CV list that we want.

  1. Start a screen: screen -S abp_proxy
  2. Activate the cvinspector virtual env: source [path_to_your_envs]/cvinspector/bin/activate
  3. Go to the root of CV-Inspector: cvinspector_abp_proxy --filter_list_directory filter_lists

Setup Chrome Profiles

Automatically create four default profiles. For now, the chrome profiles are hardcoded to be in chromeprofiles within CV-Inspector root directory. First scenario: We need No Adblocker case and With Adblocker case (with EasyList only) Second scenario: We need No Adblocker case and With Adblocker case (with EasyList + Anti-CV list)

  1. Run the Adblock Plus proxy first: See Adblock Plus Proxy
  2. Then within a different screen, activate the cvinspector virtualenv
    1. source [path_to_your_envs]/cvinspector/bin/activate
  3. Run the command:

The below is an example of how you can call cvinspector_create_chrome_profiles.

   cvinspector_create_chrome_profiles --chrome_driver_path chromedriver/chromedriver78 --chrome_adblockplus_ext_abs_path /home/ubuntu/github/adblockpluschrome/

Setup Ad-block Postprocessing

Unfortunately, we cannot use nodeJS v14 to build the ad-block package.

To build this AND run CV-Inspector, you must have nodeJS v10 (assuming our environment is what we described in Setup Overview).

  1. Purge what we have before: sudo apt-get purge nodejs npm
  2. curl -sL | sudo bash -
  3. sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  4. Check that your npm -v should be 6 and node -v should be 10.
  5. Go to the root directory of CV-Inspector
  6. npm install --save fs path ad-block

Starting CV-Inspector

Your environment must be setup already. See Setup Overview

Note 1: If you already have the screen necessary, then re-use them. Note 2: You must have the node version as described in Setup Ad-block Postprocessing

A. We need to start the local proxy that serves the static list of easylist and anti-cv list.

  1. Start a new screen : screen -S abp_proxy
  2. Activate the virtualenv: source [path_to_your_envs]/cvinspector/bin/activate
  3. Go to root directory of CV-Inspector
  4. start the proxy: cvinspector_abp_proxy --filter_list_directory filter_lists
  5. Detach from the screen: CTRL+a then press d

B. Now we can run the script for CV-Inspector

  1. Start a new screen : screen -S cvinspector
  2. Activate the virtualenv: source [path_to_your_envs]/cvinspector/bin/activate
  3. Go to root directory of CV-Inspector
  4. The main script is cvinspector_monitor. It has many parameters to pass in, so use cvinspector_monitor --help if need be.
  5. While the script is running, you can detach from screen if necessary using CTRL+a then press d.

An example here: (this example can be used as is to run the example file misc_data/example_label_input.csv)

cvinspector_monitor --anticv_on False --trials 4 --beyond_landing_pages true --filter_list_paths filter_lists/easyprivacy.txt,filter_lists/disconnectme_abp.txt,filter_lists/getadmiral-domains.txt,filter_lists/antiadblockfilters.txt --classifier_path model/rf_model.sav --classifier_features_file_path model/features.txt --start_index 0 --end_index 2 --sites_csv misc_data/example_label_input.csv --output_directory /home/ubuntu/temp_output/detection_output/example_monitor/ --output_directory_ts /home/ubuntu/temp_output/detection_output/example_monitor_ts/ --output_suffix test_label --chrome_driver_path chromedriver/chromedriver78 --chrome_adblockplus_ext_abs_path /home/ubuntu/github/adblockpluschrome/ --by_rank false --log_level INFO

When the script finishes, it will print out where it outputs the last CSV with the label results. Use the cv_detect column from the CSV to know whether it predicted 0 = No Circumvention or 1 = Has Circumvention

Important parameters to notice:

  • --anticv_on: whether you want CV-Inspector to load the anti-cv list. If false, it will only rely on EasyList
  • --filter_list_paths: path to filterlists that you want to use to filter out traffic that you DO NOT care about
  • --sites_csv: the file that you want CV-Inspector to run on. An example is in misc_data/example_label_input.csv. Formatting must match that file
  • --start_index and --end_index: How many sites of the given file from --sites_csv do you want to crawl? For example, if the csv file has 100 sites and you only want to first test the first 10, then use --start_index 0 --end_index 10.
  • --output_directory: where the output will be
  • --beyond_landing_pages: if you want it to find a subpage to crawl as well.
  • --beyond_landing_pages_only: Given a URL, crawl an existing subpage only, while skipping the given URL.
  • --chrome_driver_path: Path to your chrome driver, this should be in chromedriver/chromedriver78
  • --chrome_adblockplus_ext_abs_path: Path to the CV-Inspector custom adblock plus. See Setup Overview