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Anthony Gégo edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 9 revisions

Project Mission & Summary

INGInious is an intelligent grader that allows secured and automated testing of code made by students. Using INGInious make teachers gain a lot of time on every assessment and students improve their skills in a complete autonomy.

Want to give us a hand??

  • Good first issues: This is a good place to start if you're new to the project.
  • Bugs: Confident about your INGInious skills? Here are some urgent matters.
  • Discuss: Let's talk serious business.
  • Mailinglist: Prefer emails? No problemo!

Short term - what we're working on now! cake

The grader of a task should show a consistent behavior over time, even after modifications of the task or the update of its environment. Such consistency is verified by re-running previous submissions of a task and comparing the previous and current grading. The development of this feature is tracked in its own milestone.

As most of the growing project, INGInious have to develop its tests to make sure that new features don't break the good behavior of the existing code base. To contribute to tests writing, just add content to the dedicated branch

Currently, deploying INGInious might be difficult because of, e.g., packages breakage. To ease its deployment, INGInious should be packaged, distributed, and deployed as a set of microservices.

A WIP implementation of this feature is available here.

A related issue is discussed here.

Medium term - what we're working on next!

Tasks and courses are currently stored on disk at the Frontend side and must be mounted in each Agent. A better alternative could be a decentralized storage backed by the MongoDB instances already used by INGInious.

This feature is not entirely planned yet and is discussed here. Once the required work will be clearly defined, the feature will be tracked in its own milestone.

Longer term items - working on this soon!

Investigate appropriate usage of Docker networks instead of sockets copies for run_student