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❗ This repository is a work-in-progress. Do not rely on these reusable workflows at the moment! ❗

Reusable workflows for GitHub actions

Shared reusable workflows that can be referenced in GitHub Actions workflows in repositories within the UCL organization.

See also the related UCL/composite-actions repository for an analogous repository for composite actions.

What is a reusable workflow?

Reusable workflows are GitHub Action workflow files which can be called from other workflow files, optionally passing inputs or secrets to them to configure their behaviour. This allows a single workflow to be used across multiple repositories or multiple times within a single repository. The aim is for this repository to collate reusable workflow files that implement GitHub Actions workflows that are likely to be useful across multiple repositories in the UCL organization.

What is the difference between reusable workflows and composite actions?

Reusable workflows serve a similar purpose to another GitHub Actions feature composite actions which also help to avoid repetition in workflow files by factoring out actions in to a callable module. Composite actions and reusable workflows each have some limitations that can make one more appropriate than the other in specific circumstances - see this guide on the GitHub blog for more guidance.

Using a workflow

To directly reference a reusable workflow in this repository in another repository, the latter repository must also be under the UCL organization on GitHub.

The YAML syntax for calling a reusable workflow in this repository from the as a job in the jobs list of a workflow YAML file in another repository is as follows

    uses: ucl/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/{name-of-workflow-file}@{tag-or-branch}


  • {job-id} is the unique (within the particular workflow jobs list) name to give the reusable workflow call job (see descriptions of constraints on allowable names here);
  • {name-of-workflow-file} is the name of the .yml file in the .github/workflows directory in this repository you wish to call;
  • {tag-or-branch} is the name of a branch or tag in this repository containing the version of the workflow file you wish to call, for example set to main to use the latest version on the main branch;
  • {input-values-list} is an optional list of the input values to pass to the workflow (see description of syntax here), if no inputs are to be passed the with section should be omitted;
  • {secret-values-list} is an optional list of the secrets to pass to the workflow (see description of syntax here), if no inputs are to be passed the secrets section should be omitted.

There optionally may be other jobs in the job list specified by the jobs property, and the outputs from preceding jobs may be passed as inputs to the reusable workflow job while conversely any outputs from the reusable workflow job can be passed as inputs to subsequent jobs.

Adding a new workflow

To add a new reusable workflow please open a pull request. The workflow YAML file must be placed in the .github/workflows directory. It should be given a descriptive name in all lowercase with hyphens as the word separator for example an-example-reusable-workflow.yml.

The workflow file should have the general structure

name: {description}


  • {description} is a short string description of the what the workflow does;
  • {input-definitions-list} is an optional list of inputs to the workflow (see description of syntax here), if no inputs are required omit the inputs property;
  • {secrets-definitions-list} is an optional list of secrets to to pass to the workflow (see description of syntax here, if no secrets are required omit the secrets property;
  • {output-definitions-list} is an optional list of outputs from the workflow (see description of syntax here, if no outputs are required omit the outputs property;
  • {jobs-list} is the list of jobs to perform - see description of job definition syntax here.

As well as the workflow YAML file you should also add a directory with the same name as the workflow file (without the .yml extension) in the root of the repository which contains at a minimum a README file that documents what the reusable workflow does, any inputs or secrets that can be passed to the workflow and any outputs from the workflow. Optionally you may also include other files in this directory as well - for example a license file for the workflow.


Reusable GitHub Actions workflows






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