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Install QuickPIC

Weiming An edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 11 revisions

Download QuickPIC

You can either use git to clone the QuickPIC repository or directly download the source code from the QuickPIC page on Github.

Required Softwares

Before installing QuickPIC, you need to install the following softwares where you want to run QuickPIC:

C and Fortran compilers

GCC and Gfortran are suggested if you want to run QuickPIC on your local computer.

The MPI library

The openMPI is suggested if you want to run QuickPIC on your local computer.

The HDF5 library

You can find the HDF5 library here. You have to enable the parallel option and fortran option when you install HDF5.

JSON-Fortran library

JSON-Fortran is an open source code on Github. The version 6.3.0 is recommended. The newer versions of JSON-Fortran have not been tested.

Compile QuickPIC

You can compile QuickPIC from the source using "make". The file "make.GF_OPENMPI" contains environmental variables for GNU compiler with openMPI. You also need to set the path for HDF5 and JSON-Fortran libraries in "make.GF_OPENMPI". To compile QuickPIC, execute:


The executable file name is qpic.e.

Run QuickPIC

First, you should set the environmental variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of threads that you want to have for each MPI node. The following command is for setting OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1 in bash shell:


The command to run QuickPIC with both MPI and OpenMP varies from one system to another. One possible command when using OpenMPI is:

mpirun -np nproc ./qpic.e

, where nproc is the number of processors to be used.