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This repository contains the pacific_rim_library Python package. The main executable module is indexer.

At a high level, indexer watches for two classes of events (create/update and delete) on regular files under a user-specified directory. It expects these files to only ever be Dublin Core XML.

On create/update events, it transforms files into Solr documents and adds them to an index, and copies any relevant images (whose HTTP URLs are embedded in the XML) to a S3 bucket.

On delete events, it removes any traces of the record represented by the deleted file from Solr and S3.



  1. Install Docker Compose v1.28.0 or later (for service profile support).

  2. Download and extract this repository.

  3. Create a .env file at the project root and fill in the blanks:

    $ cp .env.example .env
    $ vim .env
  4. Edit logging.yml to configure logging as desired.

  5. Create a local prl-solr Docker image:

    1. Create a local solr4 Docker image by following the instructions at (you must be authenticated to

    2. Clone and then run something like this (note that the value of the CORE_NAME build arg must match the value of SOLR_CORE_NAME specified in .env):

      $ docker image build --build-arg CORE_NAME=prl . --tag prl-solr:latest
  6. Create a local jOAI Docker image per the instructions here.

  7. Build and run the containers (NOTE: for local development, pass --profile dev on the command line before up):

    $ docker-compose -p prl up --build
  8. Initialize the Solr index with institution records.

  9. Ingest content into PRL via jOAI.


  1. Install Python 3.4 or greater and the AWS CLI.

  2. Download and extract this repository.

  3. Create target directories for harvested files:

    mkdir ~/prl-records ~/prl-thumbnails
  4. Add a AWS CLI profile for accessing the thumbnails S3 bucket (be sure to specify the bucket region):

    aws configure --profile prl-thumbnails
  5. (OPTIONAL) If setting up a development environment, install a Python 3 virtual environment manager and create an environment:

    # Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install python3-venv
    python3 -m venv venv-prl
    # OSX
    pip3 install virtualenv
    python3 -m virtualenv venv-prl

    Fire it up:

    source venv-prl/bin/activate
  6. Install the latest setuptools:

    pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
  7. Install Python dependencies:

    python3 install

    If plyvel fails to install, try installing with pip3 and then re-do this step.

    On OSX: if lxml fails to install, you may need to install it with STATIC_DEPS set to true per

  8. Fill in the blanks in config.toml.

  9. Edit logging.yml to configure logging as desired.

  10. Install the configuration files:

    python3 -m pacific_rim_library.configure


The module is meant to be run as a background process. For usage instructions:

python3 -m pacific_rim_library.indexer --help


To run automated tests:

python3 test


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