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A simple cloudflare worker, that records download numbers & page views.


  • Download the worker.js
  • Create a new worker.
  • Select "Edit in browser" or "edit".
  • Paste the code from worker.js into the edit box, and deploy
  • Attach a two KVs to this worker, WDR & WVR for download records & page views respectively. (These can be found under the variables tab)
  • Add a variable named url with a discord webhook.

Usage (Downloads):

  • Change your download links to
  • Change GH_Username, Repo, Release_Number & File_Name.ext
  • It will record the download, then redirect the user to

Usage (Page Views):

  • Add <link href="" rel="prerender" /> to any of your pages. This will send a single request to the worker on page load, which then records it. E.G:

Usage (Discord webhook):

  • Add a env variable url with your discord webhook url.
  • Add a cron trigger to the worker, to send the stats to the webhook.