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Covid-19 Hawai’i Rental Assistance

Isabelle Picciotto

The following analysis of the burden renters will face in HI for the remainder of 2020 is presented in this UHERO blog post: Estimating the Need for Rental Assistance in Hawaii.

# Install required packages

# pkgs <- c(
#   "rmarkdown",
#   "tidyverse",
#   "lubridate",
#   "scales",
#   "gt",
#   "furrr"
# )
# install.packages(pkgs)

options(scipen = 999)


Data Sources

Individual level income and jobs data is sourced from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2018 IPUMS microdata. Household survey weights are utilized to scale the 4,800 surveyed households to the 455,000 total households in the state.

Industry-level job losses for the remainder of 2020 are forecasted by UHERO. Forecasted losses are randomly assigned to individuals by industry. We assume that 65% of job losses will be assigned to individuals who are below the median income of each industry.

Number of Iterations

n_iterations <- 100

In order to avoid aberrations based on a single random draw, the analysis is repeated 100 times and the results are averaged over all simulations.

UHERO Job Loss Forecasts


### Clean up job columns:
# List of UHERO job mnemonics to retain in the forecast file
job_mnemonics<-c("E", "E_NF", "EGV", "EGVFD", "E_GVSL", "ECT", "EMN", "E_TRADE", "E_TU",
                 "E_FIR", "E_SV", "EHC", "EAF", "E_ELSE")

uhero_jobs<-uhero_forecast %>%
  select(Date, starts_with(job_mnemonics)) %>%
  select(Date, ends_with("(new)"))

# Rename columns
new_colnames<-str_remove_all(string = colnames(uhero_jobs), pattern = "@HI \\(new\\)*")

# Create the agricultural job series
uhero_jobs<-uhero_jobs %>%
  mutate(EAG = E - E_NF)

### Calculate year over year job losses by industry
uhero_job_losses<-uhero_jobs %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(-Date), function(x) (x - lag(x, n = 4))*1000) %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(-Date), function(x) if_else(x < 0, abs(x), 0))

ACS (2018) IPUMS Microdata Cleaning

# Read IPUMS csv file

### Filter the IPUMS data 
  # Restrict the sample to include 2018 survey results
  # Remove OWNERSHP = 0, these are neither renter or homeowner households and thus will not be assigned job losses
  # Per the IPUMS Coding Manual, recode NA entries as NA

ipums_2018<-filter(ipums_raw, YEAR == 2018 & OWNERSHP != 0) %>%
  mutate(inc_total = INCTOT %>% na_if(9999999),
         inc_wage = INCWAGE %>% na_if(999999) %>% na_if(999998),
         hh_income = HHINCOME %>% na_if(9999999),
         rent_grs = if_else(OWNERSHP == 2, RENTGRS, NA_real_),
         rent_burden = if_else(rent_grs == 0, 0, pmin(rent_grs/(hh_income/12)*100, 200))) 

### Apply household weightings to the data
  # Duplicate households based on household weight (HHWT)
  # Create a new unique HH identifier for the duplicated households
ipums_weighted<-ipums_2018 %>%
  group_by(SERIAL) %>%
  uncount(weights = HHWT, .id = "ID") %>%
  unite("hhid", c("SERIAL", "ID"), sep = "_", remove = F) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

Data Cleaning and Joining

In order to assign UHERO job losses to individuals in the ACS (2018) IPUMS Microdata, the UHERO job industry mnemonics are joined to the ACS job categories using their Census Code. Original mapping of UHERO mnemonic to Census Code was done using NAICS codes.

# Load the industry uhero mnemonic csv file

# Assign the uhero mnemonic to the ipums industry code
ipums_uhero<-left_join(ipums_weighted, ind_uhero_match, by = c("IND" = "2017 Census Code")) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = "unique_id") %>%

# Get unique list of industries in the ACS data

# Choose which as of date you want for annual job losses

uhero_job_loss_reshape<-uhero_job_losses %>%
  pivot_longer(-Date, names_to = "UHERO_mnemonic", values_to = "job_losses") %>%
  filter(Date == as_of_date & UHERO_mnemonic %in% jobs) %>%

# Revise the number of job losses to equal the minimum of the total jobs or total job losses
n_jobs<-ipums_uhero %>%
  group_by(UHERO_mnemonic) %>%
  tally() %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  left_join(uhero_job_loss_reshape, by = "UHERO_mnemonic") %>%
  mutate(revised_losses = pmin(n, job_losses)) %>%
  select(-n, -job_losses) %>%
  mutate(n_low = round(revised_losses*0.65),
         n_high = round(revised_losses*0.35))

# Add a median income column to the individual level data to determine whether each individual falls into the low/high income category
# Exclude all individuals wtih wage income equal to zero so that they cannot randomly be assigned a job loss
simulation_dataset<-ipums_uhero %>%
  group_by(UHERO_mnemonic) %>%
  mutate(income_cat = case_when(inc_total < median(inc_total) & inc_wage != 0 ~ "low",
                                inc_total >= median(inc_total) & inc_wage != 0 ~ "high",
                       | inc_wage == 0 ~ "unassigned")) %>%

# Create a table summarizing the UHERO forecasted job categories, number of wage earners per category, and number of forecasted job losses
job_summary_tbl<-simulation_dataset %>% 
  left_join(select(n_jobs, revised_losses, UHERO_mnemonic), by = "UHERO_mnemonic") %>% 
  select(unique_id, hhid, inc_wage, hh_income, revised_losses, Industry_Sector, UHERO_mnemonic) %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(UHERO_mnemonic) %>% 
  filter(inc_wage > 0) %>% 
  summarize("Sectors Included" = list(unique(Industry_Sector)), 
            "Number of Wage Earners" = n(), 
            "Annual Job Losses (as of 2020 Q3)" = mean(revised_losses)) %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = vars("Number of Wage Earners", "Annual Job Losses (as of 2020 Q3)"), decimal = 0)

gtsave(job_summary_tbl, filename = "job_summary_tbl.png")

# Clean up variables tables prior to running simulation
rm(ipums_raw, ipums_2018, ipums_uhero, uhero_forecast, uhero_jobs, uhero_job_losses, uhero_job_loss_reshape)

Job Loss Simulation

To simulate the impact of COVID-19 job losses on Hawai’i rent deficit, we estimate the change to each household’s rental burden and how much additional support would be required to return them to their original burden level.

Four different policy scenarios are analyzed, each scenario is repeated 100 times and the results are the average of all 100 simulations:

  1. Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) expires and unemployment drops to standard levels.

  2. FPUC expires, but unemployed individuals receive $100 per week in unrestricted cash benefits.

  3. FPUC expires, but unemployed individuals receive $200 per week in unrestricted cash benefits.

  4. FPUC expires, but unemployed individuals receive $300 per week in unrestricted cash benefits.

simulation_scenario<-function(iteration, s, .job_loss_data, .ipums_data) {
  # Determine additional unemployment assistence based on scenario
  add_UI<-if_else(s == 1, 0, if_else(s == 2, 400, if_else(s == 3, 800, if(s == 4) 1200)))
  # Create the sample groups for low income
  sampled_low<-.ipums_data %>%
    filter(income_cat == "low") %>%
    group_by(UHERO_mnemonic) %>%
    nest() %>%
    filter(! %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    left_join(select(.job_loss_data, UHERO_mnemonic, n_low), by = "UHERO_mnemonic") %>%
    mutate(samp = map2(data, n_low, sample_n)) %>%
    select(-data) %>%
    unnest(samp) %>%
    mutate(inc_wage_new = pmin(inc_wage*0.60, 648*52) + add_UI*12,
           inc_total_new = (inc_total - inc_wage) + inc_wage_new,
           affected = 1) %>%
  unsampled_low<-.ipums_data %>%
    filter(income_cat == "low") %>%
    filter(!(unique_id %in% sampled_low$unique_id)) %>%
    mutate(inc_wage_new = inc_total,
           inc_total_new = inc_total,
           affected = 0)
  # Create the sample groups for high income
  sampled_high<-.ipums_data %>%
    filter(income_cat == "high") %>%
    group_by(UHERO_mnemonic) %>%
    nest() %>%
    filter(! %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    left_join(select(.job_loss_data, UHERO_mnemonic, n_high), by = "UHERO_mnemonic") %>%
    mutate(samp = map2(data, n_high, sample_n)) %>%
    select(-data) %>%
    unnest(samp) %>%
    mutate(inc_wage_new = pmin(inc_wage*0.60, 648*52) + add_UI*12,
           inc_total_new = (inc_total - inc_wage) + inc_wage_new,
           affected = 1) %>%
  unsampled_high<-.ipums_data %>%
    filter(income_cat == "high") %>%
    filter(!(unique_id %in% sampled_high$unique_id)) %>%
    mutate(inc_wage_new = inc_wage,
           inc_total_new = inc_total,
           affected = 0)
  # Create the unsampled group
  unsampled_na<-.ipums_data %>%
    filter(income_cat == "unassigned") %>%
    mutate(inc_wage_new = inc_wage,
           inc_total_new = inc_total,
           affected = 0)
  # Create the final data frame
  final_sim<-bind_rows(sampled_low, unsampled_low, sampled_high, unsampled_high, unsampled_na) %>%
    filter(OWNERSHP == 2) %>%
    group_by(hhid) %>%
    summarize(hh_income = mean(hh_income),
              rent_grs = mean(rent_grs),
              rent_burden = mean(rent_burden, na.rm = T),
              hh_affected = max(affected),
              hh_income_new = if_else(hh_affected == 1, sum(inc_total_new, na.rm = T), hh_income),
              rent_burden_new = if_else(rent_grs == 0, 0, pmin(rent_grs/(hh_income_new/12)*100, 200)),
              burden_change = rent_burden_new - rent_burden,
              support_needed = if_else(hh_affected == 1, pmax(0, round(rent_grs - ((rent_burden/100)*(hh_income_new/12)),5)), 0))
  summary<-tibble(row_name = c("ui_paid", 
                  value = c(sum(final_sim$hh_affected)*add_UI, 
                            mean(filter(final_sim, hh_affected == 1)$support_needed)*6,
                            sum(filter(final_sim, hh_affected == 1)$support_needed)*6),
                  rep = n_iter)
  rental_burden<-final_sim %>%
    mutate(burden = if_else(rent_burden_new == 0, 1, ceiling(rent_burden_new))) %>%
    group_by(burden) %>%
    tally() %>%
    mutate(row_name = paste0("burden_", burden),
           rep = n_iter) %>%
    select(row_name, "value" = n, rep)
  rental_burden_change<-final_sim %>%
    mutate(rent_burden_change = if_else(burden_change <= 0, 1, ceiling(burden_change))) %>%
    group_by(rent_burden_change) %>%
    tally() %>%
    mutate(row_name = paste0("change_", rent_burden_change),
           rep = n_iter) %>%
    select(row_name, "value" = n, rep)
  bind_rows(summary, rental_burden, rental_burden_change)

# Repeat each scenario 100 times and output results
  scenario1 = seq_len(n_iterations) %>%
    future_map_dfr(.f = simulation_scenario,
                   s = 1,
                   .job_loss_data = n_jobs,
                   .ipums_data = simulation_dataset),
  scenario2 = seq_len(n_iterations) %>%
    future_map_dfr(.f = simulation_scenario,
                   s = 2,
                   .job_loss_data = n_jobs,
                   .ipums_data = simulation_dataset),
  scenario3 = seq_len(n_iterations) %>%
    future_map_dfr(.f = simulation_scenario,
                   s = 3,
                   .job_loss_data = n_jobs,
                   .ipums_data = simulation_dataset),
  scenario4 = seq_len(n_iterations) %>%
    future_map_dfr(.f = simulation_scenario,
                   s = 4,
                   .job_loss_data = n_jobs,
                   .ipums_data = simulation_dataset))


The results of the analysis are presented in the graphs and tables below:

Summary of Renter Support Needed

# Calculate the average 6 month needed support for affected households
                                 function(x) filter(x, row_name %in% c("ui_paid", 
                          .id = "Scenario") %>%
  spread(key = row_name, value = value) %>%
  group_by(Scenario) %>%
  summarize_at(.vars = vars(-rep), .funs = mean)

total_renter_support<-summary_output %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = vars(avg_hh_support, total_hh_support, ui_paid), decimal = 0) %>%
  cols_label(Scenario = "Scenario",
             avg_hh_support = "Individual Household Support Needed",
             total_hh_support = "Total Support Needed",
             ui_paid = "Total Additional UI Paid to Renter Households") %>%
  tab_header(title = "Support Needed for Renter Households who Suffered a Job Loss",
             subtitle = "Mean of 100")

gtsave(total_renter_support, filename = "total_renter_support.png")

Summary of Rental Burden Changes

### Plot the PDF of the change in rental burden
                                function(x) filter(x, str_starts(row_name, "change_"))),
                         .id = "Scenario") %>%
  separate(col = row_name, into = c("drop", "change"), sep = "_", remove = T) %>%
  select(-drop) %>%
  group_by(Scenario, change) %>%
  summarize(num_hh = mean(value)) %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(change), .funs = as.double) %>%
  arrange(Scenario, change)
change_output %>%
  filter(change > 1) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(x = change, y = num_hh), color = "blue4") +
  facet_wrap(~ Scenario, scales = "free") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x) format(x, big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".", scientific = FALSE)) +
  theme_minimal() +
  ggtitle("Percent Change in Rent Burden Household Count", subtitle = "Excludes rent burden change < 1%") +
  xlab("Rent Burden Change") +
  ylab("Number of Households")

bucket_change<-change_output %>%
  mutate(bucket_labels = cut(change, 
                             breaks = c(0, 1, seq(from = 10, to = max(change), by = 10), 
                                        max(change)), include.lowest = T)) %>%
  group_by(Scenario, bucket_labels) %>%
  summarize(bucket_count = sum(num_hh))

bucket_change %>%
  filter(bucket_labels != "[0,1]") %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(x = bucket_labels, y = bucket_count), fill = "blue4", alpha = 0.7) +
  facet_wrap(~ Scenario, scales = "free") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x) format(x, big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".", scientific = FALSE)) +
  ggtitle("Number of Households by Rental Burden Change Bucket") +
  xlab("Rental Burden Change") +
  ylab("Number of Households") +
  theme_minimal() +

rental_bucket_change<-bucket_change %>%
  gt() %>%
  cols_label(bucket_labels = "Rental Burden Change",
             bucket_count = "Number of Households") %>%
  fmt_number(columns = vars(bucket_count), decimal = 0)

gtsave(rental_bucket_change, filename = "rental_bucket_change.png")

PDF of Rental Burden

The following plots a comparison of the PDF of household rental burden after each scenario

### Calculate the initial PDF of rental burden
ipums_rental_hhcollapse<-ipums_weighted %>%
  filter(OWNERSHP == 2) %>%
  summarize(rent_grs = mean(rent_grs), rent_burden = mean(rent_burden, na.rm = T))

# Calculate the initial pdf of rent burden
initial_pdf<-ipums_rental_hhcollapse %>%
  mutate(burden = if_else(rent_burden == 0, 1, ceiling(rent_burden))) %>%
  group_by(burden) %>%
  summarize(initial_pdf_count = n())

# Simulated pdf
                                function(x) filter(x, str_starts(row_name, "burden_"))),
                         .id = "Scenario") %>%
  separate(col = row_name, into = c("drop", "burden"), sep = "_", remove = T) %>%
  select(-drop) %>%
  group_by(Scenario, burden) %>%
  summarize(num_hh = mean(value)) %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(burden), .funs = as.double) %>%
  arrange(Scenario, burden)

# Join the simulated and initial pdf and plot the burden
inner_join(burden_output, initial_pdf, by = "burden") %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c("num_hh", "initial_pdf_count"), names_to = "key", values_to = "value") %>%
  filter(burden != 1) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = burden, y = value, group = key, color = key)) +
  geom_line(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_smooth(se = F) +
  facet_wrap(~ Scenario, scales = "free") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x) format(x, big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".", scientific = FALSE)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c(alpha("indianred", 0.7), alpha("blue4", 0.7)), labels = c("Initial Count", "Avg Simulation Count")) +
  theme_minimal() +
  ggtitle("PDF of Rental Burden", subtitle = "Excludes rental burden < 1%") +
  xlab("Rental Burden") +
  ylab("Number of Households") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Summary of Household Risk Bins

Households are separated into general risk categories based on their rental burden: 1. Safe [0, 30] 2. At Risk (30, 50] 3. Support Needed (50, 70] 4. In Crisis (70, 200+)

order<-c("[0,30]", "(30, 50]", "(50, 70]", "(70, 200+)")

sim_risk_bins<-burden_output %>%
  group_by(Scenario) %>%
  mutate(risk_bins = cut(burden, breaks = c(0, 30, 50, 70, 200), include.lowest = T, labels = order)) %>%
  group_by(Scenario, risk_bins) %>%
  summarize(sim_bin_count = sum(num_hh))

initial_risk_bins<-ipums_rental_hhcollapse %>%
  mutate(risk_bins = cut(rent_burden, breaks = c(0, 30, 50, 70, 200), include.lowest = T, labels = order)) %>%
  group_by(risk_bins) %>%
  summarize(initial_bin_count = n())

bin_join<-inner_join(sim_risk_bins, initial_risk_bins, by = "risk_bins")

bin_join %>%
  gather(key = "key", value = "bin_counts", initial_bin_count, sim_bin_count) %>%
  group_by(key) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(x = risk_bins, y = bin_counts, group = key, fill = key), position = "dodge") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x) format(x, big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".", scientific = FALSE)) +
  facet_wrap(~ Scenario, scales = "free") +
  theme_minimal() +
  ggtitle("Number of Households in Each Rent Burden Risk Category") +
  xlab("") +
  ylab("Number of Households") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = alpha(c("blue4", "lightblue"), 0.7), labels = c("Initial Count", "Avg Simulation Count")) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

risk_bin_count<-bin_join %>%
  select(Scenario, risk_bins, initial_bin_count, sim_bin_count) %>% 
  spread(key = Scenario, value = sim_bin_count) %>%
  gt() %>%
  cols_label(risk_bins = "Risk Bin",
             initial_bin_count = "Initial Household Count", 
             scenario1 = "Scenario 1",
             scenario2 = "Scenario 2",
             scenario3 = "Scenario 3",
             scenario4 = "Scenario 4") %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 2:6, decimal = 0)

gtsave(risk_bin_count, filename = "risk_bin_count.png")


Estimating the need for rental assistance in Hawaii






No releases published
