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Release 1.2.0

Dave Reynolds edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 1 revision

This is largely a bug-fix release.


  • Fix for issue #83 "Current in a transaction"
  • Updated dependencies for released versions of OAuth and Epimorphics libraries (however, note that org.apache.oltu.openidconnect.common still seems to be only available as a SNAPSHOT)
  • Improvements to CSV import:
    • support @successor and @succeeds columns
    • allow @notation to be omitted if there is an explicit @status already (the @notation is derived from the @id)
  • Fixes to redirects after admin actions so that they work better when behind a proxy and for non-root wars
  • Fixed bug in default lifecycle so that deprecated is not under valid
  • Minor improvements in error detection of bad registrations
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