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Plugin for the GOV.UK prototype kit to provide Home Office styles

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Home Office design system plugin for GOV.UK prototype kit


Used with the GOV.UK prototype kit version 13 and above.

To use:

  1. Run npm install home-office-kit.
  2. In your prototype go to /manage-prototype/templates.

You should see the Home Office design system templates.


You can use the HTML for these Home Office design system components:


Home Office blank

This is a blank page in Home Office styling. It extends the Home Office layout within the kit, so is independent of any other layouts you may have in your prototype.

Question page

This is a template for a form question page. Can be used with any styling.

It includes, the back link, buttons, the <form> tags, setting the page heading and so on.

To add a question to the page, add it to the homeOfficeKit_pageContent block.

To customise the page, you can set:

  • homeOfficeKit_formLayout - for the styling of the page
  • homeOfficeKit_pageHeading - for the heading level 1 and page title
  • homeOfficeKit_pageTitle - only if you need a different page title to the heading level 1
  • homeOfficeKit_nextPage - for the next page of the form
  • homeOfficeKit_useSubmitButton - set to true for 'Submit' rather than 'Save and continue'
  • homeOfficeKit_primaryButtonText - by default is 'Save and continue'
  • homeOfficeKit_secondaryButtonText - to create a secondary button with this text
  • homeOfficeKit_secondaryButtonFormAction - the page where the secondary button should go

You can also:

  • customise styling (in css) to the homeOfficeKit_style block
  • customise the back link by overriding the default in the homeOfficeKit_backLinkURL block
  • customise or remove the buttons by overriding the default in the homeOfficeKit_buttons block
  • add javascript to pageScripts block


An example to copy of how to use pagination in your prototype.

This prevents the need for multiple pages in your prototype for the pagination. Uses the homeOfficeKitPagination macro.

Add another

An example to copy of the javascript for adding another field, one at a time.

Accordion (previous style)

There are some services using the older less accessible version of the GOV.UK accordion component (from v3.14).

In order to test these services with users, use this example of the homeOfficeKitLegacyAccordion macro.

Show password

Small example of show password.


You can use this kit with any styling, you do not need to use the Home Office header, footer and page background.

Header, footer and page background

To change your prototype to by default use the Home Office styling:

  1. In app/views/layouts/main.html change {% extends "..." %} to {% extends "home-office-kit-layout.html" %}


In app/assets/sass create settings.scss and add @import "node_modules/home-office-kit/sass/settings"

This changes your font from GDS Transport to Roboto, the font used in the Home Office design system.


There are some useful routes in the prototype:

Log prototype data

To log prototype data add to config.json:

  "pluginConfig": {
    "home-office-kit": {
      "logData": true

This should be inside the most outer { }. If there's a line before this one (say serviceName), you'll need to add a comma to the end.

If you need to ignore certain URLs then change this to:

  "pluginConfig": {
    "home-office-kit": {
      "logData": {
        "ignoreUrlsStartingWith": ["/plugin-assets/", "/public/", "/manage-prototype/", "/plugin-routes/", "/other-url-to-ignore"]

Redirect with radio buttons

In the value part of the radio button add ~home-office-kit-redirect-to~ followed by the URL to redirect to.

For example:

  <div class="govuk-radios__item">
    <input class="govuk-radios__input" id="where-do-you-live" name="where-do-you-live" type="radio" value="england~home-office-kit-redirect-to~/new-page">
    <label class="govuk-label govuk-radios__label" for="where-do-you-live">


    value: "england~home-office-kit-redirect-to~/new-page",
    text: "England"

Get the current date

Sometimes you want to show a date to a user, and for usability testing keeping the dates relevant can be difficult. This lets you show dates relative to today:

  • {{ }} shows the day part of today

  • {{ }} shows the month part of today

  • {{ }} show the year part of today

  • {{ }} shows todays date in the format 5 May 2022

  • {{{day: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', year: 'numeric'}) }} is todays date in the format 05/05/2022

  • {{{day: 'numeric'}) }} shows the just the day of date 5

  • {{{day: 'numeric'}, {'day': -1}) }} shows just the date of yesterday

  • {{{weekday: 'long', day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric'}) }} shows todays date in the format Tuesday, 5 July 2022.


There are some useful filters that are included automatically when you install the plugin. These include:


homeOfficeKit.possessive adds 's or '

For example, for an input with the name attribute full-name:

{{ data['full-name'] | homeOfficeKit.possessive }}

Display month name

homeOfficeKit.toMonth - changes 1 to Jan and so on

For example, to replay a date input with namePrefix date:

{{ data['date-day'] + " " + data['date-month'] | homeOfficeKit.toMonth + " " + data['date-year'] }}

Add zero to start of times

homeOfficeKit.padZero - adds a zero to single digits, change 1 to 01

For example, to replay a times, with a separate hour and minute input:

{{ data['time-hour'] | homeOfficeKit.padZero + ":" + data['time-minute'] | homeOfficeKit.padZero }}

Pluralise nouns

`homeOfficeKit.pluralise' - allows dynamic text for plural

For example:

"passenger" + data['numberPassengers'] | pluralise('','s')
data['numberRooves'] | pluralise('roof', 'rooves')


Read the GOV.UK prototype kit plugin guidance.

Raise issues and pull requests to:

  • add new filters, layouts and macros
  • update the scss to match the Home Office design system


Before merging the pull request:

  1. Update the version in package.json.
  2. Update with what has changed in this version.
  3. Merge the pull request on GitHub.
  4. Update your local version to the updated version of main.
  5. Run npm publish. This updates the code on npm.
  6. On GitHub, create a new release.