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GitHub Action that increments and tags SemVer


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SemVer Tag A Commit

Action that tags a commit with a valid SemVer tag. Optionally creates or moves a 'Major' tag to the current commit i.e. 'v1' when tagging '1.2.3'

Semantic Tagging Action

All input options

Input Description Default Required
tag The tag to use Yes
github_token Github API token Yes
move_major_tag Create or move a 'Major' tag false No

Detailed inputs


Tag to use, must be a valid SemVer value


Some projects like GitHub actions, reference 'Major' tags e.g


If true a 'Major' tag will be created or moved to this commit. It will contain a 'v' if the Semver value passed does not contain one. Example:

merge_major_tag value tag value Tags Created
true v1.2.3 v1.2.3, v1
false v1.2.3 1.2.3
true 1.2.3 1.2.3, v1
false 1.2.3 1.2.3


Required to make API requests and tagging. pass using secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN.


This action can only be triggered on the following events: pull_request, pull_request_target, workflow_dispatch. If used on other events the job will fail.

Increment tag on repository

name: 'SemVer'
    types: [ closed ]

    name: SemVer
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
      - id: label
        uses: UKHomeOffice/match-label-action@main
          labels: minor,major,patch
          mode: singular

      - name: Calculate SemVer value
        id: calculate
        uses: UKHomeOffice/semver-calculate-action@main
          increment: ${{ steps.label.outputs.matchedLabels }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          default_to_highest: ${{ github.base_ref == 'main' }}

      - uses: some-provider/any-action@main
          tag: ${{ steps.calculate.outputs.version }}

      - name: Tag Repository
        uses: UKHomeOffice/semver-tag-action@main
          tag: ${{ steps.calculate.outputs.version }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          move_major_tag: true

Generating dist/index.js

We use ncc to package the action into an executable file. This removes the need to either check in the node_modules folder or build the action prior to using.

We need to ensure that the dist folder is updated whenever there is a functionality change, otherwise we won't be running the correct version within jobs that use this action.

Before creating your Pull Request you should ensure that you have built this file by running npm run build within the root directory.

A blocking workflow called check-dist is enabled that checks this dist folder for changes at both 'push to main' and on 'pull request events'.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.