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connect all corporate with the same category, for better future


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UKMHUB web app create a bridge between corporate and SME's (Small & Medium Enterprises) with the same category in a Google Map View. Corporate can see the details of UKM and vice versa. Create request between companies to integrate both of them for Indonesia's SME's better future

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


$ cd react-ukm-hub
$ npm install


$ npm start



/auth/register POST Add new company email & password with validation
/auth/login POST Company login with JWT Token
/api/company/:id PUT Complete company profile
/api/company/:id/buyRequest PUT create new buy request ( Corp only )
/api/company/:id/sellRequest PUT create new sell request ( SME's only )
/api/company/:id/:requestId PUT change status buy request ( Corp only )
/api/company/:id/:otherId/:requestId/message PUT create new message
/api/company/:id GET get detail one company
/api/company/:id/searchByCategory GET get all company by type
/api/company/:id/searchRequest GET get request (show buy request for SME's only, and show sell for corporate )


/api/coop/login POST login coop to generate jwt
/api/coop/verify/:id PUT update company verify to true
/api/company/ GET get all company list fill verify at front end
/api/coop/unverify/:id PUT Set Status company to unverified

User Stories


  1. Corporate must first register using their company email and password, after registration the user will be redirected to the update company profile page. If the update succeeded then the user must be verified first by the admin cooperatives before using the app (assuming the user has been approved by admin cooperative)

  2. Corporate verified by the admin cooperatives can use the search feature of SMEs about the same in accordance with the corporate category. SMEs are listed in map view and a list view which enables corporate to see the details of SMEs

  3. Corporate can create request that is to demand to make purchases or anything that can be seen by SMEs around them, the request can be responded by SMEs by sending a letter of offer.

  4. Corporate can send a respond to requests from SMEs request list, and they will receive an email confirmation to accept or decline the offer.

SME's (Small & Medium Enterprises)

  1. User (SMEs) must first register using their company email and password, after registration the user will be redirected to the update company profile page. If the update succeeded then the company must be verified first by the admin cooperatives before using the app (assuming the company has been approved by admin cooperative). These step is similar to corporate only the difference in type of company.

  2. SMEs that have been verified by admin cooperative can use the search feature approximately the same in accordance with the SME category. Search map view and list view helping SMEs to see the details of the corporate

  3. SMEs can create requests that can be seen by the surrounding corporate with the same category, request can be responded by the corporate by sending a reply message.

  4. SMEs can send a letter of offer to respond to requests from corporate, this letter is used to make offers to corporate-related according to the category.


  1. Cooperatives can log in to enter the main page and can see the list of listed company (whether Corporate or SME) as well as the details.

  2. To verify registered company.

  3. be able to monitor the price in order to avoid price fluctuations that can damage the market price. (Optional feature)

Note: Cooperation is in progress

Login Form

Add forgot password feature and it will be sent to the corresponding email. If email is not registered it will popup an alert message

Login Page

Register Form

Add front end and backend validation if the email input invalid or password is less than 6 characters. After company register it will be redirected to update company profile page.

Login Page

Update Company Profile

Add front end and backend validation of all the input except the company profile picture and website.

Update Company Profile Page

Map View

This is our main feature to see all the company with the same category around them and the user can see their company details.

Map View Page

List View

List view is just the same like Map View. The only difference is just the display.

List View Page

Create Request

Company can make request for the other company with the same category to see the request in the request list. Add validation also for the title and request message. Photo and price is optional.

Create Request Page

Request List

Company can see the request that has been made and the user can reply the message to the corresponding company email.

Request List Page


Company can accept or decline message of the replied message and will be sent to the corresponding company email. Message Page

Note: Still have a problem in the email and photo upload because our AWS account has just been disbanded. We will try to fix as soon as possible.


connect all corporate with the same category, for better future







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Contributors 4
