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This is the code repository for Team 19 of Winter 2022 ROB530:Mobile Robotics Final Project. We proposed a method for running Multi-Agent Visual SLAM in real-time in a simulation environment in Gazebo.

How to setup the environment

1. Git clone this package to home directory

2. Build ORB_SLAM2

chmod +x

3. Build the rest ROS packages

We have three ROS packages: robot_sim_demo, cloud_to_grid, and merge_maps. Put these 3 folders under ~/catkin_ws/src/ and run catkin_make in ~/catkin_ws_/ folder. You should be able to run all ROS nodes in these packages!

How to run the project:

1. Open a terminal and run:

if you want to launch both the world and multiple car models, run: ''' roslaunch robot_sim_demo robots_spawn.launch ''' if you want to launch both the world and multiple car models, run: ''' roslaunch robot_sim_demo robot_single_spawn.launch ''' if you want to launch just the car model in gazebo, run: ''' roslaunch robot_sim_demo car.launch '''

2. Open other two terminals, run below commands. (Each command use one terminal)

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot<NUM> rosrun ORB_SLAM2 RGBD Vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin TUM1.yaml /cam0/rgb/image_raw:=/robot<NUM>/cam0/rgb/image_raw /cam0/depth/image_raw:=/robot<NUM>/cam0/depth/image_raw

This step will launch ORB_SLAM nodes, one for each robot. Each SLAM nodes open 3 windows:

  1. Pose graph window
  2. Point Clouds viewr
  3. Features in camera view

3. Open another terminal

roslaunch robot_sim_demo cloud_to_grid.launch

This step open 4 nodes:

  1. Two cloud_to_grid nodes
  2. One merge_maps node
  3. One rviz node

rviz is a visualzation tool of ROS. Click Add -> By Topics -> /map, You should be able to view the map built by two robots in real time.