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Adding Tags to Models

christopherdoan edited this page May 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Model Tagging

Machine learning researchers/developers have the ability to provide tags for their models. This will in turn translate to frontend tokens that can be seen by investigators when uploading evidence to be analyzed. The idea is for them to be able to get specific details from the model at a glance ie: it runs quickly or will take a long time.

How to add Tags

From the CombinedTechStack or UniversalModelTemplate repositories, navigate to your model folder (CombinedTechStack/prediction/models/your_model_here or UniversalModelTemplate/model/).

Open the and edit the variable model_tags ='tagA,tagB,tagC' and replace 'tagA,tagB,tagC' with as many tags applicable to your model. Please keep the tags separate by comma only without spaces.

Future consideration may be made to implement this feature using Python lists/arrays instead of a string element. It can also be made such that tags can be added through the frontend client.