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Kalan Brock edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

Perk Deeds

Perk Deeds can be found in both loot and in our in-game shops. They give your player passive abilities and boosts as long as they are active. The amount of time the perk stays active is listed under the Perk Deed name, along with the type of Perk.

Perk deeds stack, meaning, if you use two deeds one after the other of the same perk type, you will get 2 hours added to your characters perk time.

Available Perks

  • Auto Resurrect Upon Death
  • No Item Drop Upon Death
  • Better Gameplay Rewards
  • Harvest While Mounted
  • Double Harvest Amounts
  • No Anger On Tame
  • Infinite Backpack Weight
  • No Reagents, LRC or Tithing Needed To Cast
  • 10% Less Break Chance Applying Rune Crafting Runes To Equipment
  • Move While Casting
  • Next Rune Crafting Application Cannot Break Item
  • Infinite Health
  • Infinite Mana
  • Infinite Stamina
  • No Player Vendor Charge
  • Better Loot
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