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Young edited this page Apr 25, 2023 · 4 revisions

Assembly subworkflow

The basic workflow is to take the filtered Nanopore reads, assemble them, evaluate draft genomes with gfastats, and rotate the closed sequences with circlator.

There are several assemblers included in Donut Falls

Donut Falls
flowchart LR

A[filtered fastq] --> B[assembly]
B --> C[gfastats]
B --> F[Bandage]
C --> D[circlator]
D --> E[consensus fasta]

Relevant parameters (params) and their default values

params.assembler          = 'flye' // or 'raven' or 'miniasm' or 'lr_unicycler' or 'dragonflye'
params.bandage_options    = ''
params.circlator_options  = ''
params.dragonflye_options = ''
params.flye_options       = ''
params.gfastats_options   = ''
params.raven_options      = '--polishing-rounds 2'
params.unicycler_options  = ''
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