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Imagecat Version 2

This project includes tools required to perform metadata analysis. Specifically, it uses Apache Tika to parse metadata from various files and then builds inverted index using solr.

Quick Start Using Docker

  1. Get and install docker for your operating system (if not already)
  2. Build a docker image. This can be done by
    docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t imagecat2
  3. get inside docker container and start services
docker run -it imagecat2 # or unique id for your build
# starts solr
/deploy/solr4/bin/solr start 

# invokes parser indexer, more info check out
java -jar /deploy/parser-indexer/parser-indexer*.jar

# Example 
java -jar /deploy/parser-indexer/parser-indexer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar postdump -solr http://localhost:8983/solr/imagecatdev -in /etc/hosts

Questions / Bugs / Features ?

Please create issues at


  • Thamme Gowda
  • Chris Mattmann