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Storing data in SolrCloud

Tom Barber edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 1 revision

Download and unzip solr(tested on 8.6.2)

Then copy the crawldb schema into the solr configsets directory:

cp -rf conf/solr/crawldb ${SOLR_HOME}/server/solr/configsets/

Start solr cloud: ./bin/solr -e cloud

Accept defaults until you see: Please provide a name for your new collection at which point name it crawldb for consistency

Then accept the defaults until:

Please choose a configuration for the crawldb collection, available options are: _default or sample_techproducts_configs [_default]

Again enter crawldb

When started solr should show you the list of schema fields for sparkler: http://localhost:8983/solr/#/crawldb/schema

Then to run a crawl:

./bin/ inject -su -cdb crawldb::localhost:9983 ./bin/ crawl -cdb crawldb::localhost:9983 -id sjob-<id>

In the CDB url the crawldb before the :: is the collection name, the latter part is the solr cloud url.