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On the automatic annotation of gene functions usingobservational data and phylogenetic trees

This repository contains all the materials that are necesary to reproduce the figures and tables of the paper, including a set of novel predictions.

There are two main sections: the simulations folder and the parameter-estimates folder. The first deals with the simulation study generating random annotated phylogenetic trees using the PANTHER database, the latter fits the pooled-data model using 138 different sets of annotations and makes the predictions, all using a combination between the GO dataset and the PANTHER phylogenetic trees.

The aphylo package

All of the methods presented in this paper are available in the R package aphylo. To install the aphylo package, you should use the following command:


Overview of the repository

In general, each dataset, figure, or table has its own R script used to be generated. Furthermore, resulting files have the same name of the R script that created it, only changing in the extension, for example, the R script candidate_trees.r generates the file candidate_trees.rds, which has the 138 phylogenetic trees (including annotations) used throughtout the paper.

  • data-raw Contains raw data used in the paper. The main dataset here is the set of experimental annotations from GOA.

  • data Contains the scripts used to process the data, including, reading the panther trees, GOA annotations, and combining them into aphylo_tree objects. This also contains the resulting data.

  • fig Most figures of the paper, including the code used to generate the two trees featured in the paper (the low and high MAE).

  • parameter-estimates All the code used to fit the pooled models, including the obtained paramter estimates.

  • proposed-annotations Code used to generate annotation proposals on genes with no experimental annotations. The folder includes the actual table with proposed annotations.

  • sifter Code used to analyze SIFTER data.

  • simulations Code to generate the large simulation study in which we analyze the properties of MCMC and MLE estimates.


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