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updated install instructions for clarity

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@rootless4real rootless4real released this 16 Sep 11:36
· 2 commits to master since this release
  1. The app pools under IIS7 (including the default app pool) need to use the domain IUSR account.
  2. add the domain IUSR account to each server local security policy:

Local Computer Policy (group policy editor)
[Console Root\Local COmputer POlicy\Copmuter COnfiguration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment]

access this computer from the network
adjust memory quotas fro a process
Allow logon on locally
Generate security audit
Impersonate a client after authentication
logon as a batch job
logon as a service
replace a process level token

** Make certain that the domain IUSR account has permissions to the SPIN directory **