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Developer instructions for updating github documentation page

Steven Mattis edited this page May 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

** Update May 2020 The docs are not built and deployed automatically by Travis CI. See .travis.yml.

These are instructions for how to update the documentation on our github website:

  1. If you have a BET/gh-pages folder delete it.
  2. Install git-new-workdir. (
  3. In the terminal in the BET folder (assumes the name of your fork/remote is origin): mkdir gh-pages git-new-workdir . gh-pages/html cd gh-pages/html/ git checkout --track origin/gh-pages

This sets up a subdirectory (gh-pages/html) that can be checkout to a different branch that the parent directory, but all the git content is still linked. A git fetch/pull in the parent directory will also also update the git content in the workdir path. No need for multiple pulls.

  1. Switch back to BET/. Now you can update whatever *.rst files, run "sphinx-apidoc -f -o doc bet", etc. (Once you're done here you can push to your fork and do a pull-request with the master branch.)

  2. To rebuild the documentation: cd doc/ make html make html

  3. Now, to update the documentation on your fork: cd gh-pages/html git commit -a -m "Rebuilt documentation" git push

  4. Finally, to update the documentation of UT-CHG/BET. Create a pull request with "base:UT-CHG:gh-pages", "compare:YOURFORK:gh-pages". Once this pull-request is merged and closed the online github website will update in about 10-15 minutes. (Don't forget to ALSO push any changes you made to your master branch and then generate a pull-request for the master branch too!)

When originally setting up the gh-pages branch I adapted instructions from these sites:

Let me know if you have any questions or difficulties.

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