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  • Nicole Moore, DDS4 School of Dentistry, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

  • Muhammad "Tuan" Amith, PhD University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston


  • section1.owl - Introduction (Engage) : the provider agent engages the user participant with introduction and initiating the session.
  • section2.owl - Introduction (Vaccine Status): the provider agent inquires about the vaccine status of the user participant
  • section3.owl - Interview (Interest in the HPV Vaccine) : the provider agent gauges the user participant’s HPV vaccine perspective
  • section4.owl - Interview (Inquiry about specific concern): the provider agent gauges and invites the user participant to share their concerns about the HPV vaccine
  • section5.owl - Interview (Safety): the participant agent gauges and invite the user participant to discuss their concerns about the safety of the HPV vaccine, related to perceived barriers of the health belief model
  • section6.owl - Interview (Efficacy): the participant agent gauges and invite the user participant to share their concerns about the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine, related to perceived benefits of the health belief model
  • section7.owl - Interview (Demographics): the participant agent gauges and invite the user to discuss whether the vaccine is appropriate for themselves based on demographic association, related to the health belief model’s perceived susceptibility.
  • section8.owl - Interview (Accessibility); the provider agent gauges and allows the users to discuss whether the HPV vaccine is available to the user, related to the health belief models’ perceived barriers.
  • section9.owl - Interview (Trust): the provider agent gauges the user’s trust in the intitutions (providers, manufacturers, science research) that provide the HPV vaccine, related to the perceived barriers of the health belief model.
  • section10.owl - Interview (Personal Confidence): the provider agent asks the user to rate their own confidence in the HPV vaccine, related to the perceived barriers of the health belief model.
  • section11.owl - Interview (Assess Readiness): the provider agent asks the user to rate their own willingness to seek out the HPV vaccine, related to perceived self-efficacy.
  • section12.owl - Inform (Ask-Offer-Ask v.1): the provider agents inquires whether the participant user wants any additional information about a specific topic.
  • section13.owl - Inform (Ask-Offer-Ask v.2): this is similar to v.1 but provides variant expression of the same utterances.
  • section14.owl - Conclusion: the provider agent concludes the session and highlights the personal decision to seek out the HPV vaccine.


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