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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 16, 2019. It is now read-only.


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This repository contains the code of the Dramaturgy Database (also known as TheaterDramaturgie.Bank), located at It's a WordPress child theme of the default Utrecht University theme.

Below is a breakdown of the function of each file in this repository:

  • docs: Contains the documentation.
  • languages: Contains language files, but as the database is currently monolingual, these files are not important.
  • parts: Contains small snippets of code that are included in other pages.
    • brandbar.php: Customization of the top brand bar. Added the site title to the bar and removed search functionality.
    • colofon.php: Customization of the bottom bar. Removed most items, only displays the Digital Humanities lab logo.
    • record-loop.php: Functionality for looping over a post with the 'Record' category. Referenced from category-record.php.
    • record-random.php: Functionality for looping over a post with the 'Record' category on the front page. References from index.php.
  • libraries: Contains external libraries.
  • category-collection.php: Template for displaying a list of posts with the 'Collection' category.
  • category-record.php: Template for displaying a list of posts with the 'Record' category.
  • functions.php: Specific functions for this template.
  • header.php: Custom header, removed the site title.
  • index.php: Customized front page, displaying a search form and a random post with the 'Record' category.
  • page-authors.php: Page for displaying all authors in an alphabetical listing.
  • page-keywords.php: Page for displaying all tags in an alphabetical listing.
  • single-collection.php: Template for displaying a single post with the 'Collection' category.
  • single-person.php: Template for displaying a single post with the 'Person' category.
  • single-record.php: Template for displaying a single post with the 'Record' category.
  • style.css: Custom CSS, generated through SaSS. Generated.
  • style.scss: Custom SCSS, will generate the CSS and the source mapping.

Compiling with SaSS

Use sass style.scss style.css to compile the .scss file to CSS.