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About Page information

Amy Woolsey edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

About the history: (I am not 100% sure about it, maybe we need to talk to someone else about it) 2013 - UX Day Graz ( )

Starting from January 2014 until Jan 2017 regular meetups ( )

And a UX Day each year (in Nov - World Usability Day)

I am not sure if we should also add the fails on the way to the community? in 2015 Karin and Christian (Carrot & Company) tried to organize the UXability Graz Meetup MeetupMeetup

UXability Graz (Graz, Österreich) UXability Graz möchte WebentwicklerInnen und DesignerInnen zusammenbringen, die sich gemeinsam im Bereich User Experience und Usability im Web weiterentwickeln möchten. Eine gute User Experience erfor (19 kB)

they had only a few meetups... And we don't have to forget the World Usability Congress... which started in 2012 and grew over the years (and really helped Graz to be seen in the UX scene).. it is each year in October and organized by Youspi / Hannes Robier World Usability CongressWorld Usability Congress About - World Usability Conference The WUC is Austria’s premier user experience design conference. Two days of conference presentations provide practical skills to take away, inspire you for your next projects, stretch your knowledge or show how someone has tackled a problem just like ones you’re facing.

between 2017 and 2019, some people tried to start meetups (not as a community, but everyone on his/her own) - I was also speaker at one meetup in 2018 about UX Strategy for Companies

However, after I was invited to give a talk at the UX Day Graz 2019, I decided to organize the meetup myself (as Member and Regional Representative of the UXPA Austria)

We had a few meetups - then Covid happened...

Since I didn't want to get back to the start again, I decided to take everything online which worked out pretty well

I also supported the international UX community and took part at the 24HoursOfUX (as supporter)

That's when I finally thought I give it a try and contacted all former and currently active people of the UX scene in Graz

And presented my idea of a loose community of UX practicioners and then I found some supporters... (from different companies and different background, as well as universities)

Hannes has a great network and supported me from the beginning with motivation and sharing his network with me

Konny started organizing the UX/UI Books'n'Beer

Amy (who is not even living anywhere near Graz) supported us by bringin my crazy idea of a community website to life

Keith Andrews (who started with the UX Day back some day) made it possible to reach out to the whole former community (using the newsletter he started)

When starting all social media accounts, I found out that the uxgraz twitter account already existed... However - happy ending - Keith handed it over to us in his maybe first and last twitter post ever 😄

and I am still starting new crazy things - like collaborations with other meetup groups, fireside chats with international guests

So... now you know most of the story