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Steven Maillet edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Llvm.NET wiki!

Building Llvm.NET

Due to the nature of the multiple layers and interop support, building Llvm.NET is, unfortunately, more complex than just loading a single solution and building it. The simplest method of building is to replicate the automated build using Build-All.ps1. This performs all the steps to build in the correct order, starting with creating expected buildoutput folders. It is strongly recommended to use this first, before using any of the solution files in the repo. Once an initial build is performed, the solution files can be used to provide a standard developer experience.

Building the interop layer

The interop code is a special case as there is a component that generates the core P/Invoke APIs directly from the LLVM headers. That generator is required to actually build the interop DLL itself. For details on the interop build see in the interop folder.

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