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Contribution Guidelines

Anamika Tripathi edited this page Apr 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to Explore-India Project.

  • You can join our project-specific slack channel : #cp_explore_india

Contribution Guidelines

  • Pick an open issue from the issue list, claim it in the comments,after approval from anyone Mod/Co-mod, fix the issue and send us a pull request.
  • Create a new issue,a community member will get back to you and once approved send the PR for the same.
  • Please go through our issue list first(open as well as closed) and make sure the issues you are reporting do not replicate the issues already reported. If you have issues on multiple pages, report them separately. Do not combine them into a single issue.
  • All the PR’s need to be sent to the master branch
  • Please utilize PR template & Issue template while submitting issue/PRs. It reduces the time of communication & mods can reach to one conclusion easily.

Issue Tracker Guidelines

Search for similar entries before submitting your own, there's a good chance somebody else had the same issue or feature request. Show your support with 👍 and/or join the discussion. Please submit issues in the following format and feature requests in a similar format:

  • Summary: Summarize your issue in one sentence (what goes wrong, what did you expect to happen)
  • Steps to reproduce: How can we reproduce the issue?
  • Expected behavior: What did you expect the app to do?
  • Observed behavior: What did you see instead? Describe your issue in detail here.
  • Device and Android version: What make and model device (e.g., Samsung Galaxy S3) did you encounter this on? What Android version (e.g., Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich) are you running?
  • Screenshots: Can be created by pressing the Volume Down and Power Button at the same time on Android 4.0 and higher.
  • Possible fixes: If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem.

Pull request Guidelines

  • Follow the Pull request template.
  • Commit messages should follow this template: Fix #<issue-no> - <issue-description>
  • Squash all your commits to a single commit.
  • Create new branch before adding and commiting your changes ( This allows you to send multiple Pull Requests )

Avoid doing the following mistakes

  1. Fix a new issue and submit a PR without reporting and getting it approved at first.
  2. Fix an issue assigned to somebody else and submit a PR before the assignee does.
  3. Report issues which are previously reported by others. (Please check the closed issues too before you report an issue).
  4. Suggest completely new developments in the issue list. (Please use the form for this kind of suggestions. Use issue list to suggest bugs/features in the already implemented sections.)
  5. If you have any confusion, reach out the the Moderators in #cp_explore_india