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URL Shortener with multiple features


  • With Short URLs you can save the description of the URL in form of Notes
  • Keep track of the number of visits on a site using the ShortURL generated by you
  • You can search the associated data of your ShortURL(in case you don't want to look for it in the table) by using the search box


Tech Stacks

🦕 Client: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, EJS

🦕 Server: Node, Express

🦕 Database: MongoDB

Run Locally

Go to project directory

  cd URL Shortner

Clone the project

  git clone

Initialize package.json

  npm init -y

Install dependencies

  npm i mongoose express shortid ejs

Install node and mongodb compass on your device locally and add the path of there respective bin files to your device environment variables. Note: Your mongodb application should be running in the background.

Edit the following code present in the beginning of server.js file and put the mongodb host url shown in mongodb compass

  //Mongo db connection
mongoose.connect('mongodb://', {
    useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true

Start the server

  node .\server.js

Search the following in the browser and URL shortner will open up


Internal Wokring:

URL Shrinking Mechanism:

Whenever a Long url with its description is added in the form and Create button is clicked, the backend handles that route as a post route and Data is added to the database then the server redirects the browser to the initial page. Also the ShortURL is created using a shortID generator on the backend. Check the following code for reference:

//Adding new data to database'/shortUrls', async (req,res)=>{
    await ShortUrl.create({ full: req.body.fullUrl, Notes: req.body.Notes})
    //Redirecting will invoke get request to original page and the newly
    //added data will be visible

Database on frontend

Every get request to the initial page is rendered by the backend and all the ShortURLs and the data attached with them is send This is put in form of a table using html, bootstrap. The for.each loop is created using ejs.

Redirecting of Short URLs to original URL

Whenever anyone searchs for a shortURL, the backend processes the get request. It searchs if the ShortUrl id is present in the database, if not then an error is returned. If it is present then the browser is redirected to the long URL. Also the number clicks is incremented and saved to database. This is done by the following piece of code:

app.get('/:shortUrl', async (req,res) =>{
   const shortUrl = await ShortUrl.findOne({ short: req.params.shortUrl})
   if(shortUrl == null) return res.sendStatus(404)

Search Mechanism:

A search can be done on the basis of ShortUrl id, long URL and notes. Whenever the required field is put in the search box and search button is clicked, the backend recieves a post request and checks for the input in all three parameters. If it does not find any matching object, it returns a NOT found error If it is found then a new page is rendered(search.ejs) and all the information of the url is shown. Check the following code snippet for refernce:

//Sending search request to backend from searchInput field and finding matching
//value in database and rendering new site with link that was searched for'/search', async (req,res) =>{
    const temp1 = await shortUrl.findOne({Notes : req.body.searchInput}) 
        const temp2 = await shortUrl.findOne({short : req.body.searchInput}) 
            const temp3 = await shortUrl.findOne({full : req.body.searchInput})
                return res.sendStatus(404)
                res.render('search', {longsearch1: temp3.full, longsearch2: temp3.short,
                    longsearch3: temp3.Clicks, longsearch4: temp3.Notes });
            res.render('search', {longsearch1: temp2.full, longsearch2: temp2.short,
                longsearch3: temp2.Clicks, longsearch4: temp2.Notes });
        res.render('search', {longsearch1: temp1.full, longsearch2: temp1.short,
            longsearch3: temp1.Clicks, longsearch4: temp1.Notes });
//1 route for three different parameters

Resources used:

Youtube Tutorials:


Key Takeaways:

💫 The URL shortener project allowed for the practical application of full-stack development, integrating frontend (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, EJS) and backend (Node.js, Express, MongoDB) technologies.

💫 Learning outcomes included integrating MongoDB for database functionality, and exploring URL shortening techniques, search functionality, and user interface design.

💫 The project emphasized error handling, documentation, project organization, and provided opportunities for continuous improvement and future enhancements.



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