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Acwrapper is angular component wrapper project. In most cases angular smart components have 4 states: content, loader, exception, empty states. This project provides customizable basic component with realized all of this states. You can create your own template for every state and put it in this component.


You can run this command in your terminal

$ npm install acwrapper --save-dev


Import wrapper module to your module

import { WrapperModule } from 'acwrapper'; //here

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    WrapperModule //here
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [YourComponent]
export class YourModule { }

Add state property to your component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ComponentState } from 'acwrapper';

  selector: 'your-component',
  templateUrl: './your-component.component.html'
export class YourComponent {
   * If you want use enum in html
  public COMPONENT_STATE = ComponentState;

   * for state you can use ComponentState enum or 'content' | 'loader' | 'error' | 'empty' values
  public state: ComponentState | 'content' | 'loader' | 'error' | 'empty' = ComponentState.Content;

Simple wrapper

Add component to html

<h1>Example 1. Simpliest wrapper</h1>

<acw-wrapper [state]="state">
    Wrapper content

<h1>Example 2. Using attributes</h1>

    content="Wrapper content"
    loadingMessage="Loader message"
    emptyMessage="'Empty' state content"
    errorMessage="'Error' state content">

Wrapper with templates

import template directive to your module

import { TemplateModule, WrapperModule } from 'acwrapper'; //here

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    TemplateModule //here
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [YourComponent]
export class YourModule { }

Add component to html

<h1>Example 3. Templates driven wrapper</h1>

<acw-wrapper [state]="state">
    <ng-template acwTemplate="content">
        <p>Your own "content" template</p>

    <ng-template acwTemplate="loader">
        <p>Your own "loader" template</p>
    <ng-template acwTemplate="empty">
        <p>Your own "empty" template</p>
    <ng-template acwTemplate="error">
        <p>Your own "error" template</p>

Create own custom wrapper based on basic wrapper

Extend your component from BaseWrapperComponent, implement astract properties

import template directive to your module

import { TemplateModule, WrapperModule } from 'acwrapper'; //here

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    TemplateModule //here
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [YourComponent]
export class YourModule { }

Add component to html

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseWrapperComponent, ComponentState } from 'acwrapper'; //add this line

  selector: 'your-component',
  templateUrl: './your-component.component.html'
export class YourComponent extends BaseWrapperComponent { //Extend your component from BaseWrapperComponent  
  private _state: ComponentState | string = ComponentState.Content;
  //implement abstract properties
  @Input() public set state(value: ComponentState | string){
    this._state = value;
  public get state(): ComponentState | string {
    return this._state;
<h1>Example 4. Custom wrapper based on default wrapper</h1>

<acw-wrapper [state]="state">    
    <ng-template acwTemplate="content">
            <h1>Your customcontent template</h1>            
            <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="contentTemplate"></ng-container>

    <ng-template acwTemplate="loader">
        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="loaderTemplate"></ng-container>
    <ng-template acwTemplate="empty">
        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="emptyTemplate"></ng-container>
    <ng-template acwTemplate="error">
        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="errorTemplate"></ng-container>