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Releases: Ultramarine-Linux/images

Ultramarine Linux 40.2

08 Jun 04:25
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Release announcement ->

Thank you to all contributors to this release!

To upgrade, simply run sudo dnf upgrade or check your app store.

To fix language issues, run this command:

sudo dnf -y rei $(rpm -qads --qf "PACKAGE: %{NAME}\n" | sed -n -E '/PACKAGE: /{s/PACKAGE: // ; h ; b }; /^not installed/ { g; p }' | uniq)

To fix firmware issues on GNOME Editon, please install the linux-firmware package

sudo dnf -y in linux-firmware

New images have been pushed, and these issues should be fixed on new installs going forward

Ultramarine Linux 40 1.01 (Lost Umbrella Hotfix)

25 May 11:16
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  • Hotfix: All images now include ultramarine-repos-extras with Flathub enabled
  • Disk images: Plymouth themes are now included and enabled

Full Changelog: 40-1.0...40-1.01

Ultramarine Linux 40 1.0 (Lost Umbrella)

24 May 14:54
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What's Changed

Rebase to Fedora 40

Read more

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 39-1.0...40-1.0

Ultramarine Linux 39 (Kuma)

23 Nov 20:38
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  • Rebase to Fedora 39
  • Build process no longer relies on Red Hat's Live Image Creator, switched to our in-house builder; Katsu.
  • Various fixes for live image startup scripts
    • speech-dispatcherd is now disabled, TTS is now handled by other means
    • When importing COPR repositories, DNF now finally uses Fedora repos instead of EPEL
  • New wallpaper @Aikoyori
  • Slightly refreshed looks on Flagship Edition
    • Default typeface is now Inter instead of Cantarell
  • Various Pantheon fixes
    • Install some elementary apps from appcenter, when available
    • Fix issues with XDG portals
    • Fix bug where wallpapers would not properly apply
  • Ultramarine is now available in even more formats than just a bootable ISO image!
    • Ultramarine Minimal image as a RAW disk image (8GB sparse file, EXT4 formatted)
      • ARM edition of Ultramarine Minimal can be flashed onto the Raspberry Pi!
    • OSTree edition (in beta) has finally been reintroduced, now available as Docker/OCI images.
    • Ultramarine Chromebook images (in progress)
  • Introduces Stellar, our automatic post-install driver manager
    • Currently installs drivers for NVIDIA, if a NVIDIA GPU is detected

Further details and notes are on our blog post:

Downloads & Upgrading

ISOs can be downloaded from the Ultramarine website, or from our CDN.

To upgrade from a Ultramarine 38 install, run these commands:

sudo dnf upgrade
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo dnf system-upgrade download -y --allowerasing --releasever=39
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Existing Fedora 39 users may migrate to Ultramarine using our script:

bash <(curl -s


Thank you for being a user of Ultramarine Linux! If you need support, please join our Discord or Matrix. We're also posting updates on Twitter and Mastodon/Fedi. If you'd like to support our work, please check out our GitHub sponsors page!

Download Ultramarine Linux

Ultramarine Linux 38 (Tortuga)

08 Jun 06:26
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  • We've done some cleanup on Flagship's panel, for a cleaner, more focused look.
  • We've switched from our old KDE theme to almost vanilla KDE, as our prior setup had usability issues, especially due to its reliance on latte-dock, which isn't too maintained now.
  • We now ship the System76 Scheduler, which should hopefully make apps snappier, especially when connected to AC power. This integration is best used on the GNOME edition.
  • Some redundant packages have been de-duplicated.
  • Some additional codec/driver packages are now being shipped OOB, for better hardware support.
  • Rebased system on Fedora 38.


  • Lapis and Raspberry Pi installer images will be released on a later date.

Downloads & Upgrading

ISOs can be downloaded from the Ultramarine website, or from our CDN.

To upgrade from a Ultramarine 37 install, run these commands:

sudo dnf upgrade
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo dnf system-upgrade download -y --allowerasing --releasever=38
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Existing Fedora 38 users may migrate to Ultramarine using our script:

bash <(curl -s

Ultramarine Linux 37 - Initial Release

30 Dec 17:44
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Due to some major fundamental differences in the new DevOps infrastructure, upgrading to Ultramarine 37 is currently unsupported. We will release a script soon that will address this issue.

After suffering many hardships during the development of the project, We are happy to announce that we are finally releasing Ultramarine Linux 37!

This release has one of the biggest fundamental changes compared to our older release, including a major infrastructure change from Ultramarine 36.

After being acquired by Fyra Labs, we finally have the manpower to work on new things and keep track of new projects under the Fyra Labs name, so you can now expect even more frequent updates to Ultramarine as time goes on.



  • The CI/CD workflow has moved from Koji to GitHub Actions.
  • The repositories have now moved over to Fyra Labs' infrastructure with a different URL. This means that users running Ultramarine 36 will be unable to upgrade properly
  • Introducing Terra, a rolling repository for Fedora packages that can run on both Ultramarine and vanilla Fedora. (
  • The packaging toolchain has moved from umpkg to Andaman, our new meta build system written in Rust.
  • Rebased system on Fedora 37.
  • Ultramarine will now serve as an experimental upstream to the upcoming tauOS, which will be testing code on top of Ultramarine before being packaged for tauOS. Ultramarine will stay as stable as it always was, but will serve as a base for tauOS. (Don't worry, we're not pulling a CentOS Stream)


  • New default wallpapers for light and dark mode by @Aikoyori
  • Website has now been rewritten using Astro @trobonox



  • Introducing a new KDE spin of Ultramarine Linux! Yes, Ultramarine now comes with KDE.
  • New custom layout inspired by Pop!_OS using Latte Dock. @korewaChino
  • Lightly is now the default Qt theme.


  • Budgie Desktop now uses upstream Fedora packages.
  • Bundled some additional software.


  • Removed Cutefish Desktop


  • Fedora has now officially removed Pantheon support for now. We have now ported the entirety of Pantheon to Terra. @windowsboy111 @lleyton
  • Pantheon should now (hopefully) use the new default wallpaper for Ultramarine Linux @korewaChino

Live CD

  • Fixed some init issues causing Live CD startup to stall
  • Moved to livesys-scripts for live system setup


  • The live CD build scripts currently reinstall Anaconda twice due to some locale issues. @lleyton @korewaChino


Due to GitHub's current limits on release artifacts, we have uploaded the images here:

Coincidentally, it's now the end of 2022. We have made this release just in time before 2023 starts.

Good luck and happy new year! We hope you enjoy our new release.