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Robert Campbell edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 2 revisions

The Ultraviolet Framework was developed by Cole Campbell, AKA tlgkccampbell on GitHub. It is now maintained by Robert Campbell, AKA jayrulez . However, outside contributions are welcome from anyone who has an interest in submitting them. I just ask a few things of you:

  1. Any code which you submit needs to be code which you own, and when you submit it you're accepting that it's going to become part of Ultraviolet and will be released under the Ultraviolet license (that is, the MIT License).
  2. If you want to make any sweeping changes or add any large pieces of new functionality, please run it by me first by opening a GitHub issue.
  3. Please understand that I may ask you to make extensive changes to any PR before I merge it, including things like style changes or other refactorings, in order to make your code fit with the rest of Ultraviolet and with my own personal tastes.

Thank you for understanding.

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