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Yannick Richter edited this page Jul 3, 2024 · 43 revisions


Syntax for string based Interfaces. (CDC and UART):


  • Default baudrate for UART: 115200 or 500000 (previous to 1.9)
  • For CDC (USB) baudrate setting has no effect. It will send as fast as possible.

Request format:

Get: cls.(instance.)cmd? or cls.(instance.)cmd?adr

Set: cls.(instance.)cmd=val or cls.(instance.)cmd=val?adr

Info cls.(instance.)cmd! sometimes used for generating a list of supported options. Check source code for mode info.

Values can be supplied as hex (x4d2) or base 10 (1234).

Commands with 2 values are rarely used. One example is setting a register in the TMC or passing a CAN frame with a target address and value.

Reply format:

[cls.instance.cmd?|val] or [cls.instance.cmd?|val:adr] for get commands

[cls.instance.cmd=val|OK] or [cls.instance.cmd=val?adr|OK] for set commands

Some commands return strings in a custom format (Like help commands) and do not work with the HID command system.

Syntax for HID:

Structure for the vendor defined reports:

report ID: 0xA1 type(0x01 8b): {write = 0, request = 1, info = 2, writeAddr = 3, requestAddr = 4,ACK = 10, notFound = 13, notification = 14, err = 15} use write or request or info depending on the command. Write will SET an internal field to the value (Like the =val commands).

For commands that accept 2 values use writeAddr and supply value and address. The lsactive command will report a list of active classes.

  • classID(0x02 16b): id of the targeted class. 0 = system, 1 = main...
  • instance(0x03 8b): instance of the targeted class. Often 0 but for example there can be multiple axes or drivers.
  • cmd(0x04 32b): command ID
  • data(0x05 64b): the first data value to send
  • addr(0x06 64b): the second data value to send

HID commands only work when the HID command interface is active and the according fields present in the HID report. This is by default the case for the FFB class but not in the failsafe fallback and other non HID classes.

Replies to request commands will reply as a request as well as any other broadcast of changed values.

Python example
import pywinusb.hid as hid
import time
import struct

# Receive and print data
def readData(data):
    if(data[0] == 0xA1):
        t = data[1]
        cls = struct.unpack('<H', bytes(data[2:4]))
        instance = data[4]
        cmd = struct.unpack('<L', bytes(data[5:9]))
        val = struct.unpack('<q', bytes(data[9:17]))
        addr = struct.unpack('<q', bytes(data[17:25]))
        print(f"Type: {t}, Class: {cls}.{instance}: cmd: {cmd}, val: {val}, addr: {addr}")

def sendCommand(report,type,cls,inst,cmd,data=0,adr=0):
    report[hid.get_full_usage_id(0xff00, 0x01)]=type # type. (0 = write, 1 = read)
    report[hid.get_full_usage_id(0xff00, 0x02)]=cls # cls (axis)
    report[hid.get_full_usage_id(0xff00, 0x03)]=inst # instance
    report[hid.get_full_usage_id(0xff00, 0x04)]=cmd # cmd (power)
    report[hid.get_full_usage_id(0xff00, 0x05)]=data # data
    report[hid.get_full_usage_id(0xff00, 0x06)]=adr # adr

def main():
    device = hid.HidDeviceFilter(vendor_id = 0x1209,product_id = 0xFFB0).get_devices()[0]


    reports = device.find_output_reports(0xff00,0x01)
        report = reports[0]
        sendCommand(report,1,0xA01,0,0x00,0) # get power
        sendCommand(report,0,0xA01,0,0x00,1337) # set power
        sendCommand(report,1,0xA01,0,0x00,0) # get power

    while device.is_plugged():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Command list

Commands marked as "Debug" are treated as invalid if the sys.debug variable is not set to 1 first. They can be (even more) dangerous and possibly damage hardware if misused. That does not mean all others are safe! Commands marked as "STR" or "I" type requests are not available for HID as they return a string. Be careful when changing motor parameters. Incorrect settings can damage the hardware or cause injury.

Flag Description Example
R Read or Execute cls.cmd?
W Write value cls.cmd=10
RA Read with address cls.cmd?20
WA Write with address cls.cmd=10?20
I Get special info string (Not available for HID) cls.cmd!

System Commands

Prefix Class ID Class description
sys.0 0x0 System Commands
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
help 0x0 Print system help (STR)
save 0x1 Write all settings to flash R
reboot 0x2 Reset chip R
dfu 0x3 reboot into DFU bootloader R
lsmain 0x6 List available mainclasses R
lsactive 0x8 List active classes (Fullname:clsname:inst:clsid:idx) R
vint 0xE Internal voltage(mV) R
vext 0xF External voltage(mV) R
main 0x7 Query or change mainclass R W
swver 0x4 Firmware version R
hwtype 0x5 Hardware type R
flashraw 0xD Write value to flash address WA RA
flashdump 0xC Read all flash variables (val:adr) R
errors 0xA Read error states R
errorsclr 0xB Reset errors R
heapfree 0x11 Memory info R
format 0x9 set format=1 to erase all stored values W
debug 0x13 Enable or disable debug commands R W
devid 0x14 Get chip dev id and rev id R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
uid 0x15 Get 96b chip uid. Adr0-2 sel blk R RA

FFB Wheel (1 Axis)

Prefix Class ID Class description
main.0 0x1 FFB Wheel (1 Axis): Force feedback HID game controller
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
ffbactive 0x0 FFB status R
btntypes 0x2 Enabled button sources R W
addbtn 0x4 Enable button source W
lsbtn 0x3 Get available button sources R (STR)
aintypes 0x5 Enabled analog sources R W
lsain 0x6 Get available analog sources R (STR)
addain 0x7 Enable analog source W
hidrate 0x8 Get estimated effect update speed R
cfrate 0xB Get estimated const force rate R
hidsendspd 0x9 Change HID gamepad update rate R W I
estop 0xA Emergency stop R W


Prefix Class ID Class description
fx.0 0xA02 Effects: Controls internal FFB effects
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
filterCfFreq 0x0 Constant force filter frequency R W
filterCfQ 0x1 Constant force filter Q-factor R W
spring 0x3 Spring gain R W I
friction 0x4 Friction gain R W I
damper 0x5 Damper gain R W I
inertia 0x6 Inertia gain R W I
effects 0x2 USed effects since reset (Info print as str). set 0 to reset R W I
effectsDetails 0x10 List effects details. set 0 to reset R W RA (STR)
effectsForces 0x11 List actual effects forces. R RA
damper_f 0x7 Damper biquad freq R W
damper_q 0x8 Damper biquad q R W
friction_f 0x9 Friction biquad freq R W
friction_q 0xA Friction biquad q R W
inertia_f 0xB Inertia biquad freq R W
inertia_q 0xC Inertia biquad q R W
filterProfile_id 0xD Conditional effects filter profile: 0 default; 1 custom R W
frictionPctSpeedToRampup 0xE % of max speed for gradual increase R W


Prefix Class ID Class description
axis.0 0xA01 Axis: FFB axis
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
power 0x0 Overall force strength R W
degrees 0x1 Rotation range in deg R W
esgain 0x2 Endstop stiffness R W
zeroenc 0x3 Zero axis R
invert 0x4 Invert axis R W
idlespring 0x5 Idle spring strength R W
axisdamper 0x6 Independent damper effect R W
axisfriction 0x16 Independent friction effect R W
axisinertia 0x17 Independent inertia effect R W
enctype 0x7 Encoder type get/set/list R W I
drvtype 0x8 Motor driver type get/set/list R W I
pos 0x9 Encoder position R
maxspeed 0xA Speed limit in deg/s R W
maxtorquerate 0xB Torque rate limit in counts/ms R W
fxratio 0xC Effect ratio. Reduces game effects excluding endstop. 255=100% R W
curtorque 0xD Axis torque R
curpos 0xE Axis position R
curspd 0xF Axis speed R
curaccel 0x10 Axis accel R
reduction 0x11 Encoder to axis gear reduction (val / adr) 1-256 R WA
filterProfile_id 0x14 Biquad filter profile for speed and accel R W
filterSpeed 0x12 Biquad filter freq and q*100 for speed R
filterAccel 0x13 Biquad filter freq and q*100 for accel R
cpr 0x15 Reported encoder CPR R

I2C port

Prefix Class ID Class description
i2c.0 0xC02 I2C port
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
speed 0x0 I2C speed preset (0:100k;1:400k) R W I

Can port

Prefix Class ID Class description
can.0 0xC01 Can port
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
speed 0x0 CAN speed preset (0:50k;1:100k;2:125k;3:250k;4:500k;5:1M) R W I
send 0x1 Send CAN frame. Adr&Value required WA
len 0x2 Set length of next frames R W

Button sources

  • D-Pins
  • SPI Buttons 1
  • Shifter Analog
  • I2C PCF8574
  • CAN Buttons


Prefix Class ID Class description
dpin.0 0x21 D-Pins: Digital pin button source
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
mask 0x0 Enabled pins R W
polarity 0x1 Pin polarity R W
pins 0x2 Available pins R W
values 0x3 pin values R
pulse 0x4 Toggle to pulse mode mask R W

SPI Buttons 1

Prefix Class ID Class description
spibtn.0 0x22 SPI Buttons 1: SPI 2 Button
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
mode 0x0 SPI mode R W I
btncut 0x1 Cut buttons right R W
btnpol 0x2 Invert R W
btnnum 0x3 Number of buttons R W
cs 0x4 SPI CS pin R W
spispeed 0x5 SPI speed preset R W I

Shifter Analog

Prefix Class ID Class description
shifter.0 0x23 Shifter Analog: Analog 6+1 gear shifter button source
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
mode 0x0 Shifter mode R W I
x12 0x1 X-threshold for 1&2 gears R W
x56 0x2 X-threshold for 5&6 gears R W
y135 0x3 Y-threshold for 1&3&5 gears R W
y246 0x4 Y-threshold for 2&4&6 gears R W
revbtn 0x5 Pin for R signal R W
cspin 0x6 CS pin for SPI modes R W
xchan 0x7 X signal analog pin R W
ychan 0x8 Y signal analog pin R W
vals 0x9 Analog values R
gear 0xA Decoded gear R

I2C PCF8574

Prefix Class ID Class description
pcfbtn.0 0x24 I2C PCF8574: btnnum/8 devices required. Addresses starting at 0x20.
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
btnnum 0x0 Amount of buttons R W
invert 0x1 Invert buttons R W
speed 0x2 400kb/s mode R W

CAN Buttons

Prefix Class ID Class description
canbtn.0 0x25 CAN Buttons
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
btnnum 0x0 Amount of buttons R W
invert 0x1 Invert buttons R W
canid 0x2 CAN frame ID R W


Prefix Class ID Class description
apin.0 0x41 AIN-Pins: Analog pins source
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
filter 0xAA2 Enable lowpass filters R W
autocal 0xAA3 Autoranging R W
values 0xAA0 Analog output values R
rawval 0xAA1 All raw values R
min 0xAA4 Min value limit (adr=chan) WA RA
max 0xAA5 Max value limit (adr=chan) WA RA
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
mask 0x0 Enabled pins R W
pins 0x2 Available pins R W

CAN Analog

Prefix Class ID Class description
cananalog.0 0x42 CAN Analog: 4 16b axes per 64b packet
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
canid 0x0 CAN frame ID of first packet. Next packet ID+1 R W
amount 0x1 Amount of analog axes R W
maxamount 0x2 Maxmimum amount of analog axes R


Prefix Class ID Class description
adsAnalog.0 0x43 ADS111X ADC: ADS1113/4/5 analog source
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
filter 0xAA2 Enable lowpass filters R W
autocal 0xAA3 Autoranging R W
values 0xAA0 Analog output values R
rawval 0xAA1 All raw values R
min 0xAA4 Min value limit (adr=chan) WA RA
max 0xAA5 Max value limit (adr=chan) WA RA
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
inputs 0x0 Amount of inputs (1-4 or 1-2 if differential) R W
diff 0x1 Differential mode (Ch0= 0p 1n Ch1= 2p 3n) R W
gain 0x2 PGA scale (0-5) R W I
rate 0x3 Data rate (0-7) R W I


  • None
  • Local ABN
  • MT6825 SPI3
  • BISS-C
  • SSI

Local ABN

Prefix Class ID Class description
localenc.0 0x61 Local ABN: Local ABN encoder
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
cpr 0x0 CPR of encoder R W
index 0x1 Enable index pin R W

MT6825 SPI3

Prefix Class ID Class description
mtenc.0 0x62 MT6825 SPI3
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
cs 0x0 CS pin R W
pos 0x1 Position R W
errors 0x2 Parity error count R


Prefix Class ID Class description
bissenc.0 0x63 BISS-C
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
bits 0x0 Bits of resolution R W
speed 0x2 SPI speed preset 1-3 R W
errors 0x3 CRC error count R


Prefix Class ID Class description
ssienc.0 0x64 SSI: SPI SSI Encoder
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
bits 0x0 Bits of resolution R W
speed 0x2 SPI speed preset 0-2 R W I
errors 0x3 Error count R
mode 0x4 SPI mode R W I


  • None
  • TMC4671 (CS 1)
  • PWM
  • ODrive (M0)
  • VESC 1
  • Simplemotion 1


Prefix Class ID Class description
tmc.0 0x81 TMC4671: TMC4671 interface
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
cpr 0x0 CPR in TMC R W
mtype 0x1 Motor type R W I
encsrc 0x2 Encoder source R W I
tmcHwType 0x3 Version of TMC board R W I
encalign 0x4 Align encoder R
poles 0x5 Motor pole pairs R W
acttrq 0x6 Measure torque and flux R
pwmlim 0x7 PWM limit R W (DEBUG)
torqueP 0x8 Torque P R W
torqueI 0x9 Torque I R W
fluxP 0xA Flux P R W
fluxI 0xB Flux I R W
velocityP 0xC Velocity P R W
velocityI 0xD Velocity I R W
posP 0xE Pos P R W
posI 0xF Pos I R W
tmctype 0x10 Version of TMC chip R
pidPrec 0x11 PID precision bit0=I bit1=P. 0=Q8.8 1= Q4.12 R W
phiesrc 0x12 PhiE source R W (DEBUG)
fluxoffset 0x13 Offset flux scale for field weakening R W
seqpi 0x14 Sequential PI R W
iScale 0x15 Counts per A (STR)
encdir 0x16 Encoder dir R W (DEBUG)
abnpol 0x1F Encoder polarity R W
temp 0x17 Temperature in C * 100 R
reg 0x18 Read or write a TMC register at adr WA RA (DEBUG)
svpwm 0x19 Space-vector PWM R W
autohome 0x1D Find abn index R
abnindex 0x1C Enable ABN index R W
calibrate 0x1A Full calibration R
calibrated 0x1B Calibration valid R
state 0x1E Get state R
combineEncoder 0x20 Use TMC for movement. External encoder for position R W
invertForce 0x21 Invert incoming forces R W
vm 0x22 VM in mV R
extphie 0x23 external phie R
trqbq_mode 0x24 Torque filter mode: none;lowpass;notch;peak R W I
trqbq_f 0x25 Torque filter freq 1000 max. 0 to disable. (Stored f/2) R W
trqbq_q 0x26 Torque filter q*100 R W
pidautotune 0x27 Start PID autoruning R
fluxbrake 0x28 Prefer energy dissipation in motor R W
pwmfreq 0x29 Get/set pwm frequency R W (DEBUG)


Prefix Class ID Class description
pwmdrv.0 0x84 PWM: PWM output motor driver
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
freq 0x1 PWM period selection R W I
mode 0x0 PWM mode R W I
dir 0x2 Invert direction R W

ODrive (M0)

Prefix Class ID Class description
odrv.0 0x85 ODrive (M0): ODrive motor driver with CAN
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
canid 0x0 CAN id of ODrive R W
canspd 0x1 CAN baudrate R W
errors 0x2 ODrive error flags R
state 0x3 ODrive state R
maxtorque 0x4 Max torque to send for scaling R W
vbus 0x5 ODrive Vbus R
anticogging 0x6 Set 1 to start anticogging calibration W
connected 0x7 ODrive connection state R
storepos 0x8 Store encoder offset R W


Prefix Class ID Class description
vesc.0 0x87 VESC 1: VESC CAN interface
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
offbcanid 0x0 CAN id of OpenFFBoard Axis R W
vesccanid 0x1 CAN id of VESC R W
canspd 0x2 CAN baud (3=250k 4=500k 5=1M) R W
errorflags 0x3 VESC error state R
vescstate 0x4 VESC state R
voltage 0x5 VESC supply voltage (mV) R
encrate 0x6 Encoder update rate R
pos 0x7 VESC position R
torque 0x8 Current VESC torque R
forceposread 0x9 Force a position update R
useencoder 0xA Enable VESC encoder R W
offset 0xB Get or set encoder offset R W

Simplemotion 1

Prefix Class ID Class description
sm2.0 0x89 Simplemotion 1: RS485 Simplemotion interface
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
crcerr 0x0 CRC error count R
uarterr 0x1 UART error count R
voltage 0x2 Voltage in mV R
torque 0x3 Torque in mA R
state 0x4 Status flags R
restart 0x5 Restart driver R
reg 0x6 Read/Write raw register WA RA (DEBUG)
devtype 0x7 Device type R

Other mainclasses.

Use sys.main=<id> to change mainclass

  • Basic (Failsafe) = id 0
  • FFB Wheel (1 Axis) = id 1
  • FFB Joystick (2 Axis) = id 2
  • HID Gamepad (Ext FFB) = id 3
  • TMC Debug Bridge = id 11
  • MIDI (TMC) = id 13
  • CAN Bridge (GVRET) = id 12

Basic (Failsafe)

Prefix Class ID Class description
main.0 0x1 Basic (Failsafe): Failsafe mainclass with no features. Choose a different mainclass. sys.lsmain to get a list
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA

FFB Joystick (2 Axis)

Prefix Class ID Class description
main.0 0x1 FFB Joystick (2 Axis): Force feedback HID game controller
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
ffbactive 0x0 FFB status R
btntypes 0x2 Enabled button sources R W
addbtn 0x4 Enable button source W
lsbtn 0x3 Get available button sources R (STR)
aintypes 0x5 Enabled analog sources R W
lsain 0x6 Get available analog sources R (STR)
addain 0x7 Enable analog source W
hidrate 0x8 Get estimated effect update speed R
cfrate 0xB Get estimated const force rate R
hidsendspd 0x9 Change HID gamepad update rate R W I
estop 0xA Emergency stop R W

HID Gamepad (Ext FFB)

Prefix Class ID Class description
main.0 0x1 HID Gamepad (Ext FFB): Force feedback HID game controller
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
ffbactive 0x0 FFB status R
btntypes 0x2 Enabled button sources R W
addbtn 0x4 Enable button source W
lsbtn 0x3 Get available button sources R (STR)
aintypes 0x5 Enabled analog sources R W
lsain 0x6 Get available analog sources R (STR)
addain 0x7 Enable analog source W
hidrate 0x8 Get estimated effect update speed R
cfrate 0xB Get estimated const force rate R
hidsendspd 0x9 Change HID gamepad update rate R W I
estop 0xA Emergency stop R W

Effects manager

Prefix Class ID Class description
fxm.0 0xA03 Effects manager
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
ffbstate 0x0 FFB active R W
type 0x3 Effect type RA
reset 0x1 Reset all effects or effect adr R RA
new 0x2 Create new effect of type val. Returns index or -1 on err W I
mag 0x4 16b magnitude of non cond. effect adr WA RA
state 0x5 Enable/Disable effect adr WA RA
period 0x6 Period of effect adr WA RA
duration 0x7 Duration of effect adr WA RA
offset 0x8 Offset of cond. effect adr WA RA
deadzone 0x9 Deadzone of cond. effect adr WA RA
sat 0xA Saturation of cond. effect adr WA RA
coeff 0xB Coefficient of cond. effect adr WA RA
axisgain 0xC Gain for this axis (instance) 16b WA RA

TMC Debug Bridge

Prefix Class ID Class description
main.0 0x1 TMC Debug Bridge: Compatible with TMCL-IDE. To use the FOC modes position
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
reg 0x5 Read or write a TMC register at adr WA RA
torque 0x0 Change torque and enter torque mode R W
pos 0x1 Change pos and enter pos mode R W
openloopspeed 0x2 Move openloop. adr=strength;val=speed W WA
velocity 0x3 Change velocity and enter velocity mode R W
mode 0x4 Change motion mode R W


Prefix Class ID Class description
main.0 0x1 MIDI (TMC): Plays MIDI via TMC4671
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
power 0x0 Intensity R W
range 0x1 Range of phase change R W

CAN Bridge (GVRET)

Prefix Class ID Class description
main.0 0x1 CAN Bridge (GVRET): CAN bus debug bridge. This class is GVRET/SavvyCAN compatible!
Command name CMD ID Description Flags
id 0x80000001 ID of class R
name 0x80000002 name of class R (STR)
help 0x80000003 Prints help for commands R I (STR)
cmduid 0x80000005 Command handler index R
instance 0x80000004 Command handler instance number R
cmdinfo 0x80000007 Flags of a command id (adr). -1 if cmd id invalid RA
can 0x0 Send a frame or get last received frame R WA
rtr 0x1 Send a RTR frame R W
spd 0x2 Change or get CAN baud R W

Automatically generated list by State: v1.15.0