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Setting up

Gareth Coles edited this page Oct 16, 2013 · 1 revision

To download and set up Ultros, you'll need to do the following..

  • If you care about staying up-to-date, install git and use it to clone the repository
  • Alternatively, download the zipball or one of the releases
  • Create a startup script and make sure it has the proper permissions
  • Check that all your modules are installed and up to date
  • Fill out the configuration
  • Run the bot

Git and why to use it

As Python is a non-compiled language, creating zipped releases is, for us, unnecessary unless we want to mark a milestone. Because of this, releases could possibly be pretty old, but the repository itself is updated almost daily. If you want to keep your copy of Ultros up to date, it's highly recommended that you use Git to do so. If you're not so bothered about this, we advise that you download the latest zipball, here.


Simply install git from your package manager.


You'll probably want MSysGit, and optionally a GUI client such as SourceTree or GitHub for Windows. However, installing MSysGit normally is fine, as long as you allow it to add itself to your PATH.


Install git from here.

Using git: A quick guide

These instructions are the same on all OSes.

Firstly, open a terminal or command prompt. Use mkdir <name> to create a folder for Ultros, and cd <name> to enter it. Use git clone to download a copy of Ultros to the current folder.

To update Ultros, simply run git pull in the folder you cloned it to.

You may also use one of the various GUI clients to do all of this, but those are out of the scope of this wiki.

Creating a startup script

Presuming you followed the instructions from the requirements page properly, you can do the following..


Create a new file in Notepad. Enter the following text..

@echo OFF

Save the file. In the save dialog, change the selected type to "All types", find the folder you cloned Ultros to, and save the file there, naming it run.bat. You can simply double-click this to start Ultros. When it's running, don't just close the window to shut it down! Press CTRL + C on your keyboard instead!

On windows, you probably don't have to worry about file permissions. Keep up the good work!

Mac and Linux

Create a new file in the folder you cloned Ultros to, and name it In it, copy the following..


Save the file, and right-click on it, selecting "Properties". Make sure the file is marked as executable and save.

Alternatively, open a terminal, cd to that folder and run chmod a+x

Check that you have installed and updated all the modules you'll need

If you haven't done this, go back to the Requirements page and install everything you'll need, then come back here.

Fill out the configuration

You'll find more details on this on the Configuration page.

Run the bot

Run your start script, and Ultros will begin running.

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