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Can I use C# 6.0 in Unity?

Yes, you can.

Unity has been stuck with CLR 2.0 for a very long time, but almost all the latest C# features do not require the latest versions of CLR. Microsoft and Mono compilers can compile C# 6.0 code for CLR 2.0 if you explicitly ask them to do so.

Late binding (dynamic) feature that came with C# 4.0 still won't be available in Unity.

Ok, what should I do?

  1. If you run Unity 4 on Mac OS X, download and install Mono. If you don't then don't.

  2. Copy CSharp60Support folder from this repository (or the downloads page) to your Unity project. It should be placed in the project's root, next to the Assets folder.

  3. Import CSharp60Support for Unity X.unitypackage into your project. It's located inside CSharp60Support folder.

  4. Select Reimport All or just restart the editor, whatever is faster in your case.

  5. [Optional] If you use Windows, run /CSharp60Support/ngen install.cmd once with administrator privileges. It will precompile csc.exe, pdb2mdb.exe and mcs.exe using Ngen that will make compilation in Unity a bit faster.

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Thus, the project folder is the only folder that changes. All the other projects will work as usual.

How does it work?

  1. /Assets/CSharp 6.0 Support/Editor/CSharp60Support.dll is an editor extension that modifies the editor's internal data via reflection, telling it to use the alternative C# compiler (/CSharp60Support/CSharpCompilerWrapper.exe). If it doesn't exist, the stock compiler will be used.

  2. CSharpCompilerWrapper.exe receives and redirects compilation requests from Unity to one of the actual C# compilers using the following rules:

    • If CSharp60Support folder contains Roslyn folder and the platform is Windows, then Roslyn C# 6.0 compiler will be used;

    • else if CSharp60Support folder contains mcs.exe, then this Mono C# 6.0 compiler will be used;

    • else the stock compiler will be used (/Unity/Editor/Data/Mono/lib/mono/2.0/gmcs.exe).

To make sure that CSharpCompilerWrapper.exe does actually work, check its log file: UnityProject/CSharp60Support/compilation.log

Response (.rsp) files

If you want to use a response file to pass extra options to the compiler (e.g. -unsafe), the file must be named CSharpCompilerWrapper.rsp.

Versions of Roslyn compiler

Roslyn compiler in C# 7.0 preview packages available on the downloads page is taken from the latest Visual Studio 15 Preview version (currently Preview 4).

Regular packages contain Roslyn from Visual Studio 2015.

What platforms are "supported"?

This hack seems to work on the major platforms:

  • Windows (editor and standalone)
  • Mac OS X (editor and standalone)
  • Android
  • iOS

Roslyn can't write pdb debug information files on Mac OS. This means that you can compile C# with Roslyn on MacOS if you want, but if you do you won't be able to debug it. By default Roslyn is disabled on Mac OS and Mono C# 6.0 compiler is used unless you've installed a special package from the downloads page with "Roslyn on Mac OS" support.

Since WebGL doesn't offer any multithreading support, AsyncBridge and Task Parallel Library are not available for this platform. Caller Info attributes are also not available, because their support comes with AsyncBridge library.

AsyncBridge/TPL stuff is also not compatible with Windows Store Application platform (and probably all the platforms that use .Net runtime instead of Mono runtime) due to API differences between the recent versions of .Net Framework and the ancient version of TPL (System.Threading.dll) that comes with AsyncBridge. Namely, you can't use async/await, Caller Info attributes and everything from System.Threading.dll (concurrent collections for example).

WebPlayer platform is not supported and most likely will never be since it is about to be deprecated.

Making builds from command line

If you want to build your project from command line the simple way, it works as usual. For example,

    unity.exe -buildWindows64Player <pathname>

However, if you use Build Player Pipeline, you'll have to take extra steps, because otherwise the old compiler will be used and the build will fail:

  1. Make a copy of CSharpCompilerWrapper.exe and place it into /Unity/Editor/Data/Mono/lib/mono/2.0 on Windows or / on Mac OS X.
  2. Rename this copy to smcs.exe.
  3. Make sure that in the Player Settings the API Compatibility Level option is set to NET 2.0.

Other known issues

  • C# 5.0/6.0 is not compatible with Unity Cloud Build service for obvious reason.

  • Using Mono C# 6.0 compiler may cause occasional Unity crashes while debugging in Visual Studio -

  • IL2CPP doesn't support exception filters added in C# 6.0 (ExceptionFiltersTest.cs).

  • If a MonoBehaviour is declared inside a namespace, the source file should not contain any C# 6.0-specific language constructions before the MonoBehaviour declaration. Otherwise, the editor won't recognize the script as a MonoBehaviour component.

    Bad example:

      using UnityEngine;
      using static System.Math; // C# 6.0 syntax!
      namespace Foo
         class Baz
            object Qux1 => null; // C# 6.0 syntax!
            object Qux2 { get; } = null; // C# 6.0 syntax!
      	class Bar : MonoBehaviour { } // "No MonoBehaviour scripts in the file, or their names do not match the file name."

    Good example:

      using UnityEngine;
      namespace Foo
         class Bar : MonoBehaviour { } // ok
         class Baz
            object Qux1 => null;
            object Qux2 { get; } = null;
  • There's a bug in Mono C# 6.0 compiler related to null-conditional operator support (NullConditionalTest.cs):

      int[] array = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
      int? item = array?[0];
      bool foo = (array?[0]).HasValue; // error CS0266:
      // Cannot implicitly convert type `bool?' to `bool'.
      // An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)


All the source code is published under WTFPL version 2.

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Random notes

  • mcs.exe, pdb2mdb.exe and its dependencies were taken from Mono installation. pdb2mdb.exe that comes with Unity is not compatible with the assemblies generated with Roslyn compiler.

  • AsyncBridge library contains a set of types that makes it possible to use async/await in projects that target CLR 2.0. It also provides Caller Info attributes support. For more information, check this blog post.

  • If you use async/await inside Unity events (Awake, Start, Update etc) you may notice that continuations (the code below await keyword) are executed in background threads. Most likely, this is not what you would want. To force await to return the execution to the main thread, you'll have to provide it with a synchronization context, like all WinForms and WPF applications do.

    Check UnityScheduler.cs example implementation located inside the project or just put UnityScheduler prefab in your first scene. The script creates and registers a synchronization context for the Unity's main thread, so async/await could work the way they do in regular WinForms or WPF applications.

    For more information about what synchronization context is, what it is for and how to use it, see this set of articles by Stephen Toub: one, two, three.