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Web poker games collection:

Project Introduction

Our project aims to provides players with several small games related to poker cards online. Players can learn and play different games on our website. Besides, we also hope to offer some interesting story about the game together with the game introduction. We utilized a set of APIs that allow us to draw decks of poker cards, shuffle, and draw cards Deck of Cards API. In 24 game, we use an additional api(24 Point Poker Game Calculator) to provide sample solutions for users. In this project, we use Vue as the base of our MVP model. We mainly use w3.css to decorate our website, but some other effects that are not included in w3.css are manually written, such as the homepage title background, buttons and flippable card in 24 game, etc.

Third-Party APP: W3.CSS (Most of our responsive layout are stylish design are achieved using this)

Project Structure

  • index.html: display the content of the website from App
  • js (folder):
    • apiConfig: store const values used for drawing data from the API
    • app.js: show the navigation bar and display different presenters
    • cardSource.js: fetch data from APIs
    • game24examSource.js: fetch data from APIs for 24 game
    • variable.js: store and pass the project variables to different files under one namespace. (To avoid the usage of global variable)
    • xxxModel.js: store different game models
    • views (folder):
      • xxxView.js: show the game components
    • firebase (folder):
      • firebaseConfig: basic firebase configuration file
      • userAuthen.js: allow user to sign up, sign in, and sign out with their emails and passwords
      • firebaseModel.js: store game data for user who has signed in
  • vuejs (folder):
    • xxxPresenter: display and pass data to the corresponding View components
  • assets (folder): contains images like the background


  1. To host the website locally, run "python -m http.server" in the "public" folder. Under local host condition, firebase is not usable due to the security rules of the realtime database.
  2. For the persistence of our website, we only store the data for users who have signed in with their account. Currently, the website can only persist FreeCell game data. Of course, all content on this website is accessible without login.
  3. Besides, for games like blackjack and 24Game, it is not necessary to store their in-game data since the round is very short, we will only store the data such as scores.
  4. For breakout, it is a simple that used to test the realtime animation, thus the gaming logic is store in its view file and it is not related to poker card. After finish this game, we decided not to make realtime animation when using both API and MVP structure.

Workload Distribution

Bosen Cheng

Current Stage

  1. Build up the homepage
  2. Build the breakout game with poker cards
    • Well-designed layout
    • Fun story about this game
  3. Build the FreeCell game
    • Classic solitaire game
    • Players are able to withdraw their actions (achieved by an global variable LastGameState)
  4. Sign up and sign in page
  5. Sign up and sign in function, achieved using firebase authentication.
  6. Persistence using firebase realtime database
    • Currently, persistence can only store freecell's game data.

Yating Liu

Current Stage

  1. Build 24 game
    • Implement a start page that give a brief introduction about the background and the rules of 24 game. An example is added to help the user understand how to play the game.
    • Implement a 24 game page with 4 views, 2 presenters, 2 api sources and 1 model. The 24 game page mainly has the following components:
      • A card that can flip when user hover over it, showing the solution that users give and the corresponding sample solution.
      • A calculator with a digital screen look, basic operators and functions that users might need.
      • A row of cards that is drawed instantly after the user finish the last round.
      • A report that records all the cards, the user's solution, the sample solutions and the total score when the user finished all ten rounds.
  2. Design overall style of the home page, navigation bar and 24 game with w3.css and muanually written css.
    • The home page title and its background in a russian roulette style.
    • The navigation bar and the pictures on it.
    • The digital screen, hoverable and flippable cards and the button animation.

Yifei Wang

Current Stage

  1. Build the blackjack game with poker cards
    • Basic functions and corresponding effects
    • Introduction to this game
  2. Create a fundamental level Ai robot
    • Play the role of banker in the game.
    • Capable of judging the current stage of player and make decision on next step.

Ziyu Tang

Current Stage

  1. Complete the basic functions of Texas hold'em poker game. Including an introduction, the main body of the game and a result page.

Plan to do

  1. Complete the all-in function. All-in funtion involves the 'side pot' and some complex element.
  2. Improve the principle of action of bots.

User Evaluation

Case Study 1

  • Interviewer: Bosen Cheng
  • Interviewee: Mr. Ge, majored in Computer Science

I had a face-to-face user evaluation with him. Before the evaluation started, the only information I provided to him is the deployer website address, and I told him that this website is about poker card games.

In the beginning, he strolled around the home page. He noticed the sign-in button on the top right and said that he would sign up for a new account for this if this were an evaluation. He thought the function of the signup and sign-in pages works fine, but it feels not quite smooth.

As he went through different pages and tried different games, he noted some problems that affected the user experience. The first one is a logic problem on Blackjack. According to the rule, the condition shown in the screenshot should not be considered as lose (This is fixed now).

Besides, every time he clicked on the play again button, the page would be refreshed, which is strange (This is fixed now). Then on the Breakout page, the text color is not consistent. Sometimes it became black, making it hard to read (This is fixed, now all text on that page is white). Finally, it is not intuitive to click the "Close" button to close the navigation bar (This is fixed now). He expected it to disappear once it jumps to another page or clicks anywhere on the web page apart from the navigation bar.

In the end, he said that the overall experience is satisfying as there are a lot of games to play, and there are some stories about the games.

Case Study 2

  • Interviewer: Yating Liu
  • Interviewee: Mr. Wang

The user evaluation is conducted face-to-face. I gave Mr. Wang the link of our website and let him wonder on our website by himself.

When Mr. Wang entered our website, he instantly knew from our website title that our website was about some poker games, while he could not find the games intuitively. After a trial on clicking the top-left corner, he found the game list. He thought the closure of the navigation bar should be more smooth. For example, when he had selected a game, the bar should be closed automatically.

He first tried 24 game. He had never played the game before, but he quickly learned how to play it after reading the instruction. The card on the top left corner was confusing at the beginning. He tried a few rounds and jumped to the next game, so he did't see the report part.

He had played freecell before, so he was quite confident about the game. He thought he should drag the card to some place at the beginning, but when he noticed the instruction "You haven't selected any card", he realized he should click the card instead of dragging them.

He then tried breakout. The screen of his computer was small, so he could not see the whole breakout window, unless he manually zoom out the website in the browser. He found the game was interesting.

He didn't know how to play blackjack, but he started the game directly without reading the introduction. He then losed the game quickly and lose his interest.

He was interested to see the texas, but he could not play it.

In the end, he remarked the website as interesting and usable.


Web Poker games collection







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Contributors 4
