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Source core for Minegate

What is Minegate?

Minegate is a Minecraft mod adding several things from the Stargate Universe, such as Stargates, the Rings transport system, different minerals, Naquadah Generators, and more. This mod is focused primarily on transport, with the Naquadah generators incorporating power generation.

The Stargate

The Stargate is a relatively freeform multiblock structure that makes use of a few blocks - Stargate frames, Stargate glyphs, Chevrons and the controller. the controller is responsible for ensuring that it is, in fact, a Stargate, while the other components are used to assist in dialling to or from the Stargate. The frames are crucial for creating a frame, with the Stargate glyphs allowing it to dial out to other Stargates. The chevrons are responsible for allowing the Stargate to lock into different glyphs. Whenever you dial out of a Stargate, you need both glyphs and chevrons, and can only dial to a Stargate that has an address containing the glyphs on your gate. Gates may be dialled into by other Stargates regardless of power or glyphs; the dialling gate provides power. If, however, the dialling gate loses power, the dialled gate can take over and supply power. If no power is provided to the gate, the gate will shut down.

Gate Mechanics

Stargates are used to establish a one-way connection between two locations in space. The dialling Stargate is considered the 'entrance' to the wormhole, with the dialled Stargate being the 'exit'. One an entity has traversed a Stargate, they are slightly affected by the wormhole travel, preventing them from travelling through another Stargate for a few seconds. Attempting to enter a Stargate wormhole through the 'exit' (the dialled gate) will result in instant death. An iris (see section below) can be installed to prevent any matter from reconstructing.


The 'Kawoosh', or unstable vortex, is a vortex of pure energy that results from a stargate either dialling or being dialled. Due to the nature of this energy, you are unable to observe the vortex directly, but you can observe its effects. The vortex will 'consume' almost anything in its path, converting it to pure energy. The vortex extends from the portal from a Stargate to around 5 blocks away. Due to the nature of the vortex, it is possible to subvert some of the energy in a vortex back into useable Naquatic Energy (see section below). Getting hit by the vortex will kill any entity, so it can be a viable method of eradicating hard-to-kill bosses. Note that anything destroyed by this process will not drop any items, as they will be vaporised too. The vortex can be suppressed with a valid iris (see section below).

Direction and Momentum

It is important for a Stargate to have a clear sense of direction, otherwise any matter that reforms may end up going the wrong way, and materialising into solid rock. Without a defined direction, a Stargate simply uses all sides as valid, but cuts momentum. This can be devastating, as the 'Kawoosh' will go both in front and behind from a 'simple' Stargate, and may cause all sorts of havoc. When a direction is defined, the Stargate transforms momentum for a fluid transportation. A momentum accelerator can be attached to either a dialled Stargate or a dialling Stargate for a momentum boost, and a momentum canceller can be attached to cut the momentum of a traveller going in or coming out of a Stargate. By attaching a vortex silencer, it's also possible to suppress the vortex. This requires significantly more power however.

Naquatic Energy

In your research of the Stargates, you uncovered an interesting type of energy. Unlike other forms of energy, you found this one to be particularly pure, purer than other similar sources. Particularly, you found this form of energy to resonate with naquadah, and in particular the Stargate. You've found that naquadah has the unique ability to conform other energy types to this form of energy. This energy is the only energy source capable of powering the Stargate, although it may seem to be powerable by other forms due to the high naquadah content.


Naquadah is a unique mineral with the ability to convert any form of energy into Naquatic Energy, thus allowing the Stargate to be powered through almost any form of energy. In addition, Naquadriah is a much more volatile version of Naquadah designed specifically for weapons, although it can also be used in generators. Trinium is an alloy that is lighter and tougher than steel.

Possible or Planned Technology

~ DNA Resequencer (Not sure if it'll happen, but it may. Probably will end up as a separate module or something) ~


Source code for Minegate







No releases published


