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first pass at better docs for declarative
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kgoebber committed May 30, 2019
1 parent 7370163 commit 4fbcd8b
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 2 deletions.
128 changes: 126 additions & 2 deletions metpy/plots/
Expand Up @@ -521,7 +521,11 @@ def draw(self):

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Save the constructed graphic as an image file."""
"""Save the constructed graphic as an image file.
This trait takes a string for saved file name. Additionally, the same arguments and
keyword arguments that Matplotlib savefig does.
self.figure.savefig(*args, **kwargs)

Expand All @@ -537,14 +541,63 @@ class MapPanel(Panel):

parent = Instance(PanelContainer)
layout = Tuple(Int(), Int(), Int(), default_value=(1, 1, 1))
layout.__doc__ = """A tuple that contains the description (nrows, ncols, index) of the
panel position; default value is (1, 1, 1).
This trait is set to describe the panel position and the default is for a single panel. For
example, a four-panel plot will have two rows and two columns with the tuple setting for
the upper-left panel as (2, 2, 1), upper-right as (2, 2, 2), lower-left as (2, 2, 3), and
lower-right as (2, 2, 4). For more details see the documentation for Matplotlib subplots.

plots = List(Any())
plots.__doc__ = """A list of handles that represent the plots (e.g., ContourPlot,
FilledContourPlot, ImagePlot) to put on a given panel.
This trait collects the different plots, including contours and images, that are intended
for a given panel.

_need_redraw = Bool(default_value=True)

area = Union([Unicode(), Tuple(Float(), Float(), Float(), Float())], allow_none=True,
area.__doc__ = """A tuple or string value that indicates the graphical area of the plot.
The tuple value coresponds to longitude/latitude box based on the projection of the map
with the format (west-most longitude, east-most longitude, south-most latitude,
north-most latitude). This tuple defines a box from the lower-left to the upper-right
This trait can also be set with a string value associated with the named geographic regions
within MetPy. The tuples associated with the names are based on a PlatteCarree projection.
For a CONUS region, the following strings can be used: 'us', 'spcus', 'ncus', and 'afus'.
For regional plots, US state postal codes can be used.

projection = Union([Unicode(), Instance(ccrs.Projection)], default_value='data')
projection.__doc__ = """A string for a pre-defined projection or a Cartopy projection
There are three pre-defined projections that can be called with a short name:
Lambert Conformal ('lcc'), Mercator ('mer'), or polar-stereographic ('ps'). Additionally,
this trait can be set to a Cartopy projection object.

layers = List(Union([Unicode(), Instance(cfeature.Feature)]), default_value=['coastline'])
layers.__doc__ = """A string for a pre-defined feature layer or a Cartopy Feature object.
Like the projection, there are a couple of pre-defined feature layers that can be called
using a short name. The pre-defined layers are: 'coastline', 'states', 'borders', 'lakes',
'land', 'ocean', and 'rivers'. Additionally, this trait can be set using a Cartopy Feature

title = Unicode()
title.__doc__ = """A string to set a title for the figure.
This trait sets a user-defined title that will plot at the top center of the figure.

def _plots_changed(self, change):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -670,15 +723,66 @@ class Plot2D(HasTraits):
_need_redraw = Bool(default_value=True)

field = Unicode()
field.__doc__ = """Name of the field to be plotted.
This is the name of the variable from the dataset that is to be plotted. An example,
from a model grid file that uses the THREDDS convention for naming would be
`Geopotential_height_isobaric` or `Temperature_isobaric`. For GOES-16/17 satellite data it
might be `Sectorized_CMI`. To check for the variables available within a dataset, list the
variables with the following command assuming the dataset was read using xarray as `ds`,

level = Union([Int(allow_none=True, default_value=None), Instance(units.Quantity)])
level.__doc__ = """The level of the field to be plotted.
This is a value with units to choose the desired plot level. For example, selecting the
850-hPa level, set this parameter to ``850 * units.hPa``

time = Instance(datetime, allow_none=True)
time.__doc__ = """Set the valid time to be plotted as a datetime object.
If a forecast hour is to be plotted the time should be set to the valid future time, which
can be done using the ``datetime`` and ``timedelta`` modules from base Python.

contours = Union([List(Float()), Int()], default_value=25)
contours.__doc__ = """A list of values to contour or an integer number of contour levels.
This parameter sets contour or colorfill values for a plot. Values can be entered either
as a list of values or as an integer with the number of contours to be plotted (as per
matplotlib documentation). A list can be generated by using square brackets or creating
a numpy 1D array and converting it to a list with the ``.tolist()`` method.

clabels = Bool(default_value=False)
clabels.__doc__ = """A boolean (True/False) on whether to plot contour labels.
To plot contour labels set this trait to ``True``, the default value is ``False``.

colormap = Unicode(allow_none=True, default_value=None)
colormap.__doc__ = """The string name for a Matplolib or MetPy colormap.
For example, the Blue-Purple colormap from Matplotlib can be accessed using 'BuPu'.

image_range = Union([Tuple(Int(allow_none=True), Int(allow_none=True)),
Instance(plt.Normalize)], default_value=(None, None))
image_range.__doc__ = """A tuple of min and max values that represent the range of values
to color the rasterized image.
The min and max values entered as a tuple will be converted to a Matplotlib Normalized
instance for plotting.

colorbar = Unicode(default_value=None, allow_none=True)
colorbar.__doc__ = """A boolean (True/False) on whether to add a colorbar to the plot.
To add a colorbar associated with the plot data set the trait to ``True``, the default
values is ``False``.

def _cmap_obj(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,7 +848,7 @@ def _update_data(self, _=None):
# notification never happens
def data(self):
"""Access the current data subset."""
"""Xarray dataset that contains the field to be plotted."""
return self._data

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -867,8 +971,28 @@ class ContourPlot(Plot2D):
"""Represent a contour plot."""

linecolor = Unicode('black')
linecolor.__doc__ = """A string value to set the color of plotted contours; default is
This trait can be set to any Matplotlib color

linewidth = Int(2)
linewidth.__doc__ = """An integer value to set the width of plotted contours; default value
is 2.
This trait changes the thickness of contour lines with a higher value plotting a thicker

linestyle = Unicode('solid', allow_none=True)
linestyle.__doc__ = """A string value to set the linestyle (e.g., dashed); default is
The valid string values are those of Matplotlib which are solid, dashed, dotted, and

@observe('contours', 'linecolor', 'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'clabels')
def _set_need_rebuild(self, _):
Expand Down

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