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xnk edited this page Dec 12, 2014 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the T-962 improvements wiki!

(Some discussions started in the Hackaday thread here: )

Image of the modification of the internal controller board to be able to do cold-junction compensation (large image if downloaded): DS18B20 temperature sensor for cold-junction compensation in the T-962 reflow oven

The white ISP connector closest to the red LED is not the standard one as I wanted a sixth pin (to the far right) that is hooked up to 3.3V so I have a target voltage reference for my UART interface. Never a good thing to drive UARTs on SoCs if the SoC itself is not powered.

Screenshots from v0.2.1:

Main menu: Main menu

Setup menu: Setup menu UI

Bake/manual setpoint mode: Bake mode/manual UI

Select profile UI: Select profile UI

Edit Custom profile mode: Edit Custom profile UI

Reflow UI running low-temp lead-free profile: Reflow UI running low-temp lead-free profile

Reflow UI running standard lead-free profile: Reflow UI running standard lead-free profile