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I 32 Inform Passengers of CO2 Generated

Andreas Schlapbach edited this page Jun 3, 2022 · 3 revisions

I-32 Inform Passengers of CO2 Emissions Generated


Inform passengers of CO2 emissions generated.


  • Koffi-Frédéric Konan (Amadeus)
  • Andreas Schlapbach (SBB)

Business Value

For customers

who are ecologically aware

the information about CO2 emissions generated

is a feature

that shows CO2 generated per trip.

unlike the current situation

our solution incentives passenger to travel with rail.

Business Outcomes

The measurable benefits that the business can anticipate if the epic hypothesis is proven to be correct.

More ecological aware people travel with rail and public transportation.

Leading Indicators

The early measures that will help predict the business outcome hypothesis.

CO2 information generated is present on distribution solutions in 2022.

Nonfunctional Requirements

Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) associated with the epic.

Calculation of CO2 must be fast (t < 20 ms).


Information per leg:

  • CO2 / (duration)


  • Add information on all the different type of leg
  • Add the possiblity to trigger the the creation of documents unrelated to "tickets" to the API.
    • FulfillmentDocument inherits from new AbstractDocument and add a new type AuxillaryDocuments
    • AuxillaryDocuments would type CO2 Document, Covid Document, Receipts,...
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