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gordeaoux edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 5 revisions

DS Cinder

DS Cinder is a framework built on top of Cinder: The DS version provides some extra conveniences for writing primarily touch applications:

  • Threaded SQLite queries
  • Standardized settings
  • Hierarchical display list using Sprites
  • Touch and input handling (multitouch gestures, taps, picking)
  • Easy simple graphics (gradients, circles, rectangles, etc)
  • Text layouts (using Pango and Cairo)
  • Threaded Image loading
  • Video playback and streaming over rtsp (via GStreamer)
  • PDF viewing (using MuPDF)
  • Basic web site rendering (with CEF)
  • Layout system for easy interface building
  • Co-ordinate multiple app instances on a single machine or over a network

Basically we're taking the great API that Cinder has provided and made it even easier. It's super simple to get a video onscreen that you can touch-pinch to zoom, load some content from a sqlite file, and display a custom UI. You still have access to raw cinder APIs, as well as Poco and Boost, for full control.

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