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Alexey Volkov edited this page Jul 3, 2023 · 8 revisions

Welcome to JacoDB Wiki!

It is cozy place for JacoDB documentation.

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Contribution guide

General flow for contributing code:

  1. Create issue for feature/bug
  2. Create your own fork of the code from develop branch.
  3. Implement changes.
  4. Test your code:
    • Before creating the pull request perform the tests you find necessary for your code changes.
    • When implementing something new, it's great to find real users and ask them to try out your feature — to prove the necessity and quality of your suggestion.
    • Check coverage report. You should not decrease coverage by your changes.
  5. Create the pull request, and you'll see if the automated tests pass on GitHub. Your reviewer will possibly recommend you more tests.
  6. Please choose @lehvolk as a reviewer. He will reassign your PR to someone else from the core team, if necessary. We do our best in reviewing, but we can hardly specify the exact timeout for it. Be sure that we'll certainly answer your pull request!
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