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Upgrading from 0.x Development Versions

Ben Fagin edited this page Mar 1, 2016 · 3 revisions

Upgrading from 0.x

Prior to the 1.0 release of Flapi all release versions have been considered 'development versions', where features and patterns were able to change as needed. After eight major releases it felt about time to transition to a stable release. The last development release was 0.8, and the new 1.0 is mostly about removing deprecated methods and changing names to be compliant with common build tools and repositories. 2.0 makes the jump to Java 8, but without making any other big changes.

Group ID has Changed

The Maven repository group ID has been changed to conform to the Sonatype central repository rules. Previously the high level package name was but now it is The upshot of making this change is that now Flapi and all of its dependencies are hosted in the Maven central repository.

Removed Deprecated flapi.descriptor.class Property

The flapi.descriptor.class property used in the build plugin configurations has been removed after being deprecated for several releases. You can use the comma-separated version named flapi.descriptor.classes instead.

build-project is Now flapi-build-project

This change brings the build-project naming in line with the convention used by the other modules of prefixing with flapi- followed by the module name.

Introduction of Generics in Builder Methods

Some method signatures now have generics where before they did not. This may cause warnings. Generally wherever a Class parameter was accepted it is now Class<?>. Same for Enum, etc.

Start Object is Now Untyped (again)

The Start object is no longer typed as Start<Void> but just Start. The newer Head<?> wrapper can be used instead, either with Void or some other return type (and really Start is now just an alias for Head<Void>).