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  • Stage One:
    • Connecting Players via local network in ue4 through Hamachi(VPN).
    • Client and server approach and why it is better than peer to peer approach.
    • Replications and Server Authority (Server always right and has the authority to replicate other actors).
    • Hosting Server with server Travel that makes the players travel from (Lobby to Game Map).
    • All of that with Using Ue4 Command line in next stage i improved that.
  • Stage Two:
    • Creating Advanced UI Menu so players can connect without the use of command line.
    • Creating Menu Elements using C++.
    • After this stage we start enabling the steam subsystem.
  • Stage Three:
    • Using Steam SDK and UE4 Online Subsystem to make multiplayer functionality.
    • Creating and joining Sessions.
    • enabling GameMode for lobby so that we can start a game when the number of joined players reached a decided number by us
    • seamless travel and non seamless travel


Connecting Players via local network in unreal engine 4

Learning the basic client server model and getting multiple instances connected through a collaborative puzzle game.

  • Client and Server aproach and why It is better than peer-to-peer creating mini-network using Local IP Address through CMD "(ue4 path)" "(Game path)" -server -log "(ue4 path)" "(Game path)" LOCAL_IP:LISTENING_PORT -game -log

  • The replication and authority -> the server is always right and Has the authority to replicate other actors , the server has the upper hand upon the client, we used SetReplicates(true) and SetReplicateMovement(true) to enable it.

  • how NATs "Network Address Translation" work and the differences between local and global network. Connecting to two players using Hamachi by creating a new network then launch server on the this current network and launch the client on the other pcs "(ue4 path)" "(Game path)" -server -log "(ue4 path)" "(Game path)" LOCAL_IP:LISTENING_PORT -game -log

  • Handling overllaping events in C++ , Using OnComponentBeginOverlap and OnComponentEndOverlap along with the two void functions OnOverlapBegin and OnOverlapEnd.

  • GameInstance exists in whenever I run the game, we are trying to connect using game instance and command line, difference between constructor and Init() that init fires only when the game starts and it fires at every running instance of the game. We created a custome gameinstance based on the gameinstance class and overrided in the project settings by searching for GameInstance in the search bar.

  • Using UEngine* Engine = GetEngine(); to add on screen debug message , we also used "Exec" in the UFUNCTION and this allows us to use the game CMD when " ~ " pressed , The Exec is compatible in (PlayerControllers, Possessed Pawns, HUDs, Cheat Managers, Game Modes, Game Instances)

  • Hosting the server with the server travel in the GetWorld member, the playercontroller connects to a map(lobby) then when the command Host is fired, it fires ServerTravel and takes the player from first map to the 2nd one and Host a server so that clients can start connecting to this server.

How to connect: 1- Each player must have a copy the final built game

			   2- both players must connect via Hamachi 
			   3- after that the players open the game and press "`" and connect to the Local Host IP

Starting to create an advanced user interface MainMenu to make it easier for players to connect without the need of using in game command line.

  • Getting a reference to a BP Class using FClassFinder and including "UMG" in the Build.CS script to use U.I Functionality.

  • creating a LoadMenu function in C++ which is BlueprintCallable , in this function we used CreateWidget (instance, UCLass) and added the created widget to viewpot, then Used the LoadMenu Func to call it from level blueprint in BeginPlay.

  • we changed the UI input mode using APlayerController Function with the name SetInputMode, SetInputMode takes FInputMode as an Arguement m and we constructed FInputModeUIOnly SetWidgetToFocus and SetLockMouseToViewPortBehaviour and then we passed it to SetInputMode and made the cursor visiable.

  • Making Advanced UI layoyt by using vertical and horizontal boxes as well as Size boxes and learning about Overlaying.

  • connecting UMG with C++ "Binding"

  • using UButton callback (OnClick) to AddDynamic event so we can be able to connect with Host function in the PuzzlePlatformGameInstance.

  • implementing Unreal interface and making sure not to cause the Diamond inheritance problem , so that we make the MenuSystem independant as it will call the interface and the GameInstance will call the interface as well , so the Host func can be called from the MainMenu class to the interface then to its way to the GameInstance Class.

  • Creating Sub Menu for join a server and styling it , and adding a switcher to switch between menu systems.

  • Navigating Menus in C++ by creating a menu switcher in the UI then bind it to the c++ by using Meta = BindWidget in UPROPERTY after that we Bind the action by creating a function then AddDynamic in the UMainMenu::Initialize. and the the created function we use WidgetSwitcher->SetActiveWidget and pass to it the Widget that we want to navigate to whether the MainMenu or the joinMenu

Finishing Section two and full creating the MainMenu and ready to advance and add more on it.

  • Game tested and everything working fine.


Using Steam SDK and UnrealEngine 4 online Sub-System to make a multiplayer functionality


Connecting Players via local network in unreal engine 4






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