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Contribution proposal presentation

ratherto edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 21 revisions

Date: 31-Mar-2021

From Dates for contribution proposal presentationsSPI Teams

Which project are you planning to contribute to? (1 point)

A powerful markdown tool with multiple features:

  • integrated multiple reference managers
  • File-agnostic writing
  • Code highlighting for multiple languages

What contribution are you planning to make? (1 point)

Our basic goal is to implement a tray icon to the Zettlr, so that the user can have quick access to Zettlr via the icon.

Basic functions:

  1. When close the Zettlr window, instead of exiting program, it shall run in the background of the system
  2. By left click the tray icon, the Zettlr window shall be pop out
  3. By right click the tray icon, a menu shall be displayed and provide an option to exit the Zettlr
  4. The tray icon feature shall be available on window 10, Mac and Linux.
  • Add option in preference to choose whether closing window of Zettlr would directly quit the program or hide in background
  • Right click menu have an option to access to preference

What will you need to do in order to get a contribution accepted? Steps? (4 points)


  1. Leave a welcome message in issue#175 to get involved into the community
  2. Follow
  3. Create design
  4. Introduce our plan and design to the Zettlr team to ensure the development is on the right track
  5. Include unit testing
  6. Code, team7 review, team7 approvals
  7. Raise a pull request to merge issue 175 branch from UofA-SPI21-team7 fork to Zettlr master.
  8. Address Zettlr team's comments
  9. Re-raise pull request
  10. Create documentation in accordance with nathanlesage message
  11. Similar processes to documentation: folk to our repo -> assign tasks -> review document -> raise a pull request

What challenges do you expect to encounter? (2 points)

  1. Learning new code base and technologies (Electron, Vue.js, etc)
  2. Come across new issues during implementation
  3. Windows vs Mac vs Linux
  4. Learn the software building process
  5. Failure to get merge

How do you plan to distribute the work? (1 point)

  1. Fork Zettlr/Zettlr to UofA-SPI21-team7
  2. Create issues (sub-issues of issue 175) and assign to team members
  3. Use "the GitHub flow"


What’s your timeline? (1 point)

Our plan is:

  • 12 Apr 21 – provide our design
  • 3 May 21 – provide our initial code pull request
  • 17 May 21 – provide our updated code pull request, addressing review comments
  • 24 May 21 – provide documentation pull request

From Contribution proposal presentation (team) assignment