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parse > edit > save json keeping inconsistent formating


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Edit parts of inconsistently formatted json.

It's just a bit slower that doing this by hand!


Now you can easly select nodes in json tree


selector action node type comments
* select all items in current node -
[n] select n-th item of curent node array
{n} select n-th item of curent node object
key select node chilld by name object
"key" select node chilld by name object
> mark current node as seleced -
a=b check if current node has child 'a' with value 'b' object
:before add text before selected node - must at end of pattern
:after add text after selected node - must at end of pattern

example 1:

key > [0]

this pattern will match one element by:

  1. selecting "key" element in root node (assuring that is an object)
  2. select first element in it (assumintg its an array)

example 2:

name > *

this pattern will match multiple elements by:

  1. selecting "name" element in root node (assuring that is an object)
  2. select all element in it

how to install

pip install --upgrade pyjsonedit

python module

import pyjsonedit

comand line - mark

$ pyjsonedit-mask --help
Usage: pyjsonedit-mask [OPTIONS] PATTERN [JSONS]...

  Select and mask parts of json

  --symbol TEXT
  -i, --insert   save changes to file
  --help         Show this message and exit.


pyjsonedit-mask "pass" "{'pass':123}"

comand line - modify

$ pyjsonedit-modify --help
Usage: pyjsonedit-modify [OPTIONS] PATTERN TEMPLATE [JSONS]...

  select and modify parts of json

  -i, --insert  save changes to file
  --help        Show this message and exit.

example 1: simple string

pyjsonedit-modify "pass" 'P@$W&$d' "{'pass':123}"

example 2: python code:

file /home/dave/

def modify(node,ctx):
   return "'<"+str(1)+">'"

node - matched node

ctx - context in witch node was matched: file_name & match_nr

pyjsonedit-modify "*" /home/dave/ "{'a':1}"

example: mask multiple nodes

$ pyjsonedit-mask **"quiz > * > q1 >*"** DOC/example.json
    "quiz": {
        "sport": {
            "q1": {
                "answer": XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
        "maths": {
            "q1": {
                "question": XXXXXXXXXXX,
                "answer": XXXX
            "q2": {
                "question": "12 - 8 = ?",
                "options": [
                "answer": "4"

example: mask selected nodes

$ import pyjsonedit
$ pyjsonedit.string_match_mark("{'pass':123}","pass")


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