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Eli Aloni edited this page May 24, 2023 · 15 revisions

Getting started

Downloading and installing Urho.Net

  • With source code
    Contains the native and managed source code of Urho.NET needed only if you want to compile Urho.Net by yourself.
    Takes long time to download , not needed for Game development.
    git clone --recursive -b dotnet-6.x
  • Without source code , with only precompiled binaries , sufficient for game development.
    git clone -b dotnet-6.x
  • Make sure that the Urho.Net installation path doesn't contain white spaces.
  • cd Urho.Net
  • ./ (on Windows it's configure.bat)

Start new Urho.Net project

  • ./ (on Windows it's new-project.bat)
  • Follow the instructions

Updating Urho.Net with the latest modifications and fixes

  • cd "to the Urho.Net folder"
  • git pull origin

Getting the demo samples

opening and running the FeatureSamples in Visual Studio Code

  • cd Samples
  • code FeatureSamples
  • F5



iOS development

Android development

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