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Urho.Net core Development

Eli Aloni edited this page Jun 1, 2023 · 7 revisions

Urho.Net already contains all the necessary binaries ,libraries and runtimes for game development.
However there are occasions in which one would want to build it from source


  • For Mac and iOS , XCode & Xcode Command Line Tool , for iOS also a valid Apple developer account.
  • For Windows , currently Visual Studio 2019
  • for Linux GCC , The GNU Compiler Collection.

Building Urho.Net

Assumption is that you cloned the repository including the source code
git clone --recursive -b dotnet-6.x
git submodule update

Building for Windows

On windows only , From a PowerShell window , go to the Urho.Net folder
This will build both the native and managed Windows parts and will overwrite the old ones in the installation folder

Building for Linux

On Linux only , open Terminal window , go to the Urho.Net folder
This will build both the native and managed Linux parts and will overwrite the old ones in the installation folder

Building for macOS

On Mac only , open Terminal window , go to the Urho.Net folder
This will build both the native and managed macOS parts and will overwrite the old ones in the installation folder

Building for iOS

On Mac only , open Terminal window , go to the Urho.Net folder
This will build both the native and managed iOS parts and will overwrite the old ones in the installation folder
It will build both GLES and Metal backends support (Urho.Net support Metal on iOS)

Building for Android

On Windows

From a PowerShell window , go to the Urho.Net folder
This will build both the native and managed Android parts and will overwrite the old ones in the installation folder

On Linux and Mac

Open Terminal window , go to the Urho.Net folder
This will build both the native and managed Android parts and will overwrite the old ones in the installation folder

Auto Generating of Bindings

Bindings generation is required in case of addition of new native Components
That require exporting native API's to the managed part of Urho.Net.
Or addition of new API's to existing components.
Unfortunately auto generation of bindings is only possible on Mac.
Open Terminal window , go to the Urho.Net folder
This will generate both the native and managed part of the bindings.