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Integer Backend Challenge - PHP/Laravel

Challenge for the PHP + React Full Stack Developer vacancy. This part of the project aims to implement the backend of a To Do list, the project was developed with PHP 8, Laravel 11, MySQL e Docker, and basically allows you to perform basic operations (CRUD).

Project Setup

To install the project, simply use the composer install command in the project’s root folder. After that, simply run the project with the ./vendor/bin/sail up -d --build command. After that, use the following command ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate and you will be able to use and test the api at this url http://localhost/api/todos.


If you want to use the command in a simplified way, in this case just sail command... just enter this command in the terminal alias sail='sh $([ -f sail ] && echo sail || echo vendor/bin/sail) '.

There is a very simple test suitcase for the controller, where you can if you want to run the command ./vendor/bin/sail artisan test, Furthermore, if necessary, there is a seeder created to supply all tables in both the standard base and the test base, just run the command ./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed --env=testing the parameter -- env=testing is to call the env from test instead of development.

Remembering that you will need to copy the .env.example to an .env file to start the project and probably use the ./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate command.


Challenge for Integer in Backend - PHP/Laravel







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