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🌟 A comprehensive archive πŸ—ƒοΈ of Urmia CTF 2023 questions, capturing the essence of cybersecurity challenges.


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πŸš€ UCTF 2023 Challenges Repository πŸ†


Welcome to the UCTF 2023 Challenges Repository! This repository contains all the challenges, scores, and write-ups for the challenges hosted during the UCTF 2023 competition.

Table of Contents

About UCTF 2023 ℹ️

UCTF 2023 was an international Capture The Flag (CTF) competition organized by a team of talented Computer Engineering students from Urmia University and Urmia University of Technology, held online. The competition featured challenges covering various domains such as web security, reverse engineering, cryptography, and more.

Getting Started πŸš€

To get started with the challenges, simply clone this repository:

git clone

Refer to the individual challenge directories for specific instructions and requirements.

Challenge Categories πŸ›‘οΈ

The challenges in this repository are categorized into the following categories:

  • Web
  • Reverse
  • PWN
  • Misc
  • Forensics
  • Cryptography
  • Steganography
  • Warm Up

Each challenge is designed to test different skills and knowledge areas within cybersecurity and computer science.

Scoreboard πŸ…

View the final scoreboard and rankings for UCTF 2023 on CTFTime.

Challenges Table 🎯

Challenge Title Challenge Category Challenge Score Challenge Flag Official Description/Write-up Link Author
20 Questions Misc 300 uctf{ceb20772e0c9d240c75eb26b0e37abee} Write-up Hanif Ganji
Appellations Steganography 200 UCTF{7u2qu01535011741230f4242841j4n} Write-up Mobin Kheibary
Cryptic Mansion Steganography/OSINT 350 UCTF{37.496805716848954, 45.63767444207702} Write-up Mobin Kheibary
Insider's Secret Cryptography 100 UCTF{1_4m_14k3_u2m14} Write-up Mobin Kheibary
Network Punk Forensics 250 uctf{urm14_n3tw0rk} or uctf{u r m 1 4 _ n 3 t w 0 r k} Write-up Mehrzad Asri
Project Meme Reverse 300 uctf{uctf_UrmiaDesert} Write-up Mir Saman Tajbakhsh
Very Super Mario Reverse 200 UCTF{Sa33D_Mar0uf_1s_7h3_MAR10} Write-up Mir Saman Tajbakhsh
Warm Up Warm Up/Misc 25 UCTF{W3lc0m3_t0_URMIA} Write-up Mir Saman Tajbakhsh
Hidden Streams Steganography 250 uctf{St. Mary Church} Write-up Ata Meydani
Breaking AES Cryptography 400 uctf{d1d_y0u_ju57_br34k_435} Write-up Mehrzad Asri
Captcha1 (the Missing Lake) Web 250 UCTF_{7h3_m1551n6_l4k3} Write-up Amirhossein Azhdarnezhad
Captcha2 (the Missing Lake 2) Web 250 UCTF{Arm3n1an_m0uflon} Write-up Amirhossein Azhdarnezhad
Deb File (The Old Systems) Reverse/Steganography 150 UCTF{c4n_p3n6u1n5_5urv1v3_1n_54l7_w473r} Write-up Amirhossein Azhdarnezhad
Deleted Message Forensics 400 uctf{l057_1n_urm14} Write-up Mehrzad Asri
Dorna Steganography 350 uctf{dorna_lar_yovasi} Write-up Ali Babaei
E Corp. Web/PWN 250 uctf{4z174_1n_urm14} Write-up Ata Meydani
Farewell Misc 500 UCTF{G00dby3_fr13nd} Write-up Amirhossein Azhdarnezhad
Flutter QRCode Forensics 450 uctf{Three-Domes-Urmia} Write-up Saman Kafshdouzi
htaccess Web 250 uctf{Sule_Dukol_waterfall} Write-up Ata Meydani
HTTPS Decryption Forensics 250 uctf{St._Sarkis_Church} Write-up Ata Meydani
LendingPool Misc 450 UCTF{Urmia_P4radise0fIran} Write-up Amirhossein Azhdarnezhad & Mobin Hajizadeh
License, Please Cryptography 400 uctf{m4yu5h11_15_my_w41fu} Write-up Mehrzad Asri
moedo PWN 300 uctf{m45h1r0_d1dn7_61v3_up} Write-up Mehrzad Asri
noql Cryptography 350 ucf{urum_noql} Write-up Ali Babaei
OTP (Onion Transfer Protocol) Misc/Forensics 250 CTF{N33DL3_AM0NG_0NI0NS} Write-up Mir Saman Tajbakhsh
Padding Oracle Adventure Web/Cryptography 350 UCTF{Pakdis_Factory} Write-up Vafa Tarighi
Status Page Web/PWN 500 uctf{kaznyannyan4} Write-up Mehrzad Asri
The Void Web/Misc 250 uctf{pr4y1n6_47_57_m4ry} Write-up Mehrzad Asri
MongoDB NoSQL Injection Web 350 UCTF{7_Burukh_Kuchase} Write-up Vafa Tarighi
Unlock Challenge Web/Misc 150 uctf{urmia4_lake_salt_g3m} Write-up Mehrzad Asri

Write-Ups πŸ“

Explore detailed write-ups and solutions for each challenge in it's own directory. Contributors and participants are encouraged to submit their write-ups following the template provided.

Contributing 🀝

We welcome contributions from the community! If you have additional challenges, write-ups, or improvements to existing content, please follow the guidelines in to contribute to this repository.

License πŸ“„

This repository is licensed under the MIT License, which means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the content with proper attribution.


🌟 A comprehensive archive πŸ—ƒοΈ of Urmia CTF 2023 questions, capturing the essence of cybersecurity challenges.








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